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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Meet the dedicated members of The City of Salisbury's Lynching Memorial Task Force!

City of Salisbury, Maryland

Meet the dedicated members of The City of Salisbury's Lynching Memorial Task Force!

Back row L to R- Gretchen Nichols, Brante Dashiell, Bonni Miller, Phillip LeBel, Ajene Turnbull, Jahnae Wallace, James Yamakawa, Joseph Venosa, Neil White, Thomas Long (Intern and Support Role), Creston Long (Nabb Center Support Role)

Front row L to R- Stephon Mason, Michaela Moses, Amber Green, Jake Day

Co-chairs Michaela Moses and Amber Green will lead this amazing group! We are so proud to have found such dedicated members of our community to help us create a permanent monument in honor and solemn remembrance of the three American citizens who lost their lives at the hands of lynch mobs in Wicomico County.


  1. There is an 8'tall man buried in the cemetery at the church next to the District Courthouse.That is a fact.I believe he was a Civil War soldier,but not 100% sure.

  2. What about a monument for all the white people that lost their lives because of out of control African Americans?

    1. Not to mention in the Civil War.

    2. Lynching is different but i don't expect you to understand that

    3. 8:31- Lame come back. Troll harder next time.

  3. These left-wing-nuts are killing america. When will the insanity stop. Jake Day is a sell out, pandering to the libbie freaks. God help us all.

  4. That Jake Day is one weird SOB.

  5. What will they do when it's a black student found with a post his picture all over

  6. What a F**king JOKE this is. Jake Day, someone needs to take you out back and beat your goober a$$ for these stupid crimes against humanity!

  7. Anonymous said...
    What about a monument for all the white people that lost their lives because of out of control African Americans?

    February 20, 2020 at 2:13 PM


  8. Anonymous said...
    These left-wing-nuts are killing america. When will the insanity stop. Jake Day is a sell out, pandering to the libbie freaks. God help us all.

    February 20, 2020 at 2:13 PM

    Jake Day obviously has a mental illness if he thinks this is something to be proud of!

  9. Dr. Mark Edney, see what your RINO contribution did to ensure that this mental midget got elected over a Republican.

    Mark Edney was elected as a member of the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee who was tasked to ensure that Republicans were elected, not Democrat Socialists like Jake Day. Never ever vote for Mark Edney again!

  10. WTH, Jake Day, you are one weird human being with your jacked up buck teeth.

  11. I wonder if Jake Day's parents are proud of him?

    1. 2:55 Who do you think made him that way

  12. Memorializing hanging people might not turn out so well.
    Bring your own rope.

  13. I thought that Gretchen Nichols was a dude. I bet it is a member of the Gay Pride Parade committee as well.

  14. James Yamakawa and Amber Green. Surprise, Surprise! The two biggest anti-white racists in Salisbury.

  15. Matthew Williams worked as a laborer in the factory, but also did odd jobs for the Elliot family. According to known accounts, the Elliot family were "quite fond of Williams, and he of them".

    The official story goes that Matthew Williams went to his employers' office, and the two began arguing over wages. At some point in the argument, Matthew Williams shot Daniel Elliot, his boss!

    Now HOMO Jake Day wants the taxpayers to build a monument to memorialize a black thug who murdered a white man, his own boss. A white man that was kind enough to give this black thug a job! Wake up, people!!

    ARe their any Elliot descendants out there that are pissed off about this??

  16. Just about everyone can remember that one strange and really weird kid in high school. Jake Day is their poster boy.

  17. Is there going to be a monument to the Stickman hung at SU on the whiteboard?

  18. Can't we spend our time and effort on something productive instead of crying about things that happened a long time ago

  19. Jake Day is Coleman Sweeney

  20. There isn't any new racism so they keep on dredging up the past.

  21. salisbury the joke of the peninsula!

  22. The headline should read “Jake Day and The left memorialize heathen murderers that got their due justice a little sooner than most.”
    The very reason our city officials, law enforcement and residents didn’t complain when it happened was because everyone knew they were guilty of racist murders. There were no voices of descent then, only rumors started by 19th century grapevine trolls.
    There was no racism towards or conspiracy against blacks, just a fed up electorate of concerned citizens determined not to let the murderers off.

  23. Retaliation for the Gen. Winder marker on the Court House lawn?

  24. Wypipo getting mad when wypipo have to acknowledge they are racist POSs. SMH.

    1. Blahpipo whining when blahpipo are confronted with their own racism, POS’s.


    2. 4:47- Don't you think your own comments are racist? I've never written or stated anything close to what you just stated. No, you are the illiterate POS!

  25. Dems have to fight to keep racism alive. Without it they have nothing

  26. Time to get over it & move on, this is 2020 No lynching now !!!

  27. I love this blog for the crazy stories about the little guy who is mayor. Hilarious stuff. Can’t make this stuff up! Just checking: is he the same guy who’s wife was giving blow jobs to high school kids?


  28. She only did it cause jake likes snowballing!

  29. Oh My Golly!

    What a motley crew.

    And the blow job thing is totally hilarious
    What is up with your town?

  30. Within this photo you will find the originator of SU racist hoaxes

  31. I wonder if jake is the su artist. Bringing attention to his memorial. We all know it's a sick liberals work.

  32. Anonymous said...
    There is an 8'tall man buried in the cemetery at the church next to the District Courthouse.That is a fact.I believe he was a Civil War soldier,but not 100% sure.

    February 20, 2020 at 2:11 PM

    WTH are you talking about?

  33. This is who they are memorializing!

    The official story goes that Matthew Williams went to his employers' office, and the two began arguing over wages. At some point in the argument, Matthew Williams shot Daniel Elliot, his boss!

  34. What saddens me the most is to hear all the negative hateful comments coming from people who live in Salisbury.

    1. 8:37 You should be more concerned with what’s going on in Salisbury instead of the hateful comments. You know...sticks &stonesπŸ™„

  35. Some are liking to be Stuck in the past !!! Racist Hate Mongers

    Nobody alive today was around back then , so Get Over it !!!

    Stop trying to punish people alive today who had nothing to do
    with any of what happened back then !!!

    We don't need to re-live it , you just carrying on the Hate !!!!

    Get a Life !!!

  36. February 20, 2020 at 8:37 PM Boo friggin hoo. The truth can be harsh sometimes.

    What saddens me is that the citizens had the power to stop this and did not .

    Jake is pandering to the freaks and geeks because he can get a handful of them to vote and stay in office. 92% of you did not bother to vote and this is the result.

    Wasted tax dollars under the guise of inclusion are simply being used as campaign funds. Rainbow side walks? campaigning. Freak parades, campaigning. Worthless murals, campaigning.

    For the next 4 years, your tax money will be wasted as he uses it to campaign his way up the ladder.

    No one gives a rats ass about any monument. No one even knew about the generals plaque until "I hate whitey" Yamakawa brought it up, and the same thing will happen with this waste of $$$.

    Your tax dollars, are now Jake's campaign funds. And he has a clowncil full of idiots that are lappin up the koolaid and rubber stamping his ignorance with glee.

    Thats what really sad.

  37. Northwest Woodsman: For a moment I thought they were honoring an effective deterrent to violent crime. My mistake.

    1. And in most cases, the express route to justice. They weren’t all innocent, not by a long shot.

  38. this is the most racist thing I ever heard. White memorials are being removed because of crap and now black stuff is everywhere.

  39. I'm sure there are no white people worthy of such honor...

  40. Northwest Woodsman: There was a time when one would take a picnic basket to a lynching and make a family event out of it. A real community gathering.

  41. With that video, Jake Day showed he can pander with the very best Democrats. Now the question is, if it's learned that it was a black responsible for the racist graffiti found at the university, as many of the people responsible for these types of incidents on college campuses turn out to be, will Day make a sequel saying that minorities that wreak havoc and create panic by perpetrating a hoax of racism can leave with the others he mentioned?

  42. Jake and James must be doing this out of guilt that their beloved Democrat party is responsible for all lynchings

  43. Plenty of WHITES got lynched too , alot more than Black > Fact

  44. Listening to all the people who had negative comments to make about Williams vs. Elliot. I wasn't there when it happened but I do know for a fact after everything was said and done, Williams son or his son-in-law admitted to the killing not Elliot. Another thing I know for a fact is that one of the people involved in the lynching had the remains of the man's genitals on his mantel shelf as a memorial. What do you have to say about this? As I said, I know what I am talking about because I seen it with my own two eyes as well as my siblings. Someone mentioned the rainbow sidewalk. Who did that? The three top government officials claimed when they found out who was involved they would be prosecuted to the fullest but were they? I know all of you will never accept black people because you were raised in an era that white is superior but I have news for you all. Each and everyone of us are made in the image of GOD and He is not a respector of persons.

    1. Nobody had anyone’s balls in a jar , as for acceptance what the hell are you talking about ? White peoples are attacked 24/7 just for being whites sorry if they tend to avoid you Uncle Tom

  45. Turnbull should actually be a judge...racist ass m and m was appointed around the time 2 other judges was appointed by hogan.powell and beau,who has a ACLU/NAACP lawsuit pending.

  46. A bunch of RACIST MISCREANTS!!

  47. Keep stirring the pot do gooders , it will finally end up biting your a$$ .
    A good example is the latest SU incident . Dumb a$$e$

  48. The lynch mob is a good name for them

  49. Put back the monument to a civil war soldier here you racist, biast, phonies. Everyone of you in this photo needs to rethink the racist path Jake is leading you down he don't care about those that died saving our country, just looking back and trying to save history to agree with racism. We all bleed red not just black people, we are Americans too and you all are traitors to this city and country.

    1. As long as they’re not challenged up close and personal they’ll keep going after America

  50. 10:41 your story doesn't make sense, If it was the son/son-in-law then why didn't they lynch him ???? Did they just decided that that black guy was OK, and the other should die??? Yes you were not there and yes lynching is wrong, but given the amount of history we are starting to change/erase these days it is not proper to memorialize something without the truth.

    If there is no way to know, then we should not put up memorialize to it! Agreed?

    Ask yourself what exactly is this going to accomplish, its not going to heal anything or stop racism.

    Memorialize something that brings people together, not tears them apart..

    Tell me this makes sense ?

  51. Can the mayor put up a murial of the Black Slave owners from the south downtown on da bury ?

  52. They look like the little rascals but not as cool

  53. NOBODY alive today had anything to do with it !!! FACT

    You take down Confederate monuments , so you need not
    put any up for Lynchings either !!!

  54. Amazing the women look like men and the men look like WOMEN. 🌈🌈🌈πŸ₯•πŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆ

  55. Anything to keep racism alive so you can hopefully benefit from it, huh? We are on to you. Plus, pay for it with YOUR own damn money. Not tax payer money.

  56. What about a monument for the white people who gave their lives to free blacks from slavery. Remind YOURSELVES that the first slave was owned by a BLACK man. Accept some responsibility and stop blaming everyone else for your problems.

  57. A bunch of crybabies with nothing better to do with their lives.

  58. Need a WHITE History Month !!!


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