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Sunday, February 23, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Wicomico County States Attorneys Office Expected To Produce Major News Tomorrow On SPD Theft

Put your seat belts on Folks because the story SBYNews broke about the theft from the evidence room at the Salisbury Police Department is, (as I'm told) about to go national. 

We've been told by multiple sources Officers are involved and it's even been mentioned this could go as far as the States Attorneys Office as well. 

Officers have already been suspended, according to sources and there's allegedly more to come. We are expecting to see some sort of press release tomorrow and or a press conference. 

It's a shame other news sources continue to hide and or attempt to cover up these major stories but I've been saying it for years, they're bought and paid for by advertisers and municipalities. Jake Day and Chief Barbara Duncan need to be removed. Just look at how pampered all parties involved in the Mayors Wife's case have treated that situation and that too goes all the way up to the States Attorneys Office. 

Salisbury Maryland is crooked AND corrupt, period. Time to drain the swamp!


  1. This better be good.I'm having seat belts installed on my recliner for this one.

  2. Salisbury screwed themselves when they didn’t elect Joe Albero years ago.

  3. Salisbury PD have always been crooked

  4. Agreed, start with Jamie. If anyone really dug in there, they would be amazed.

    1. I would not, the SPD has been crooked since the 1970's when Coulbourne Dykes was on the force! He wanted to lock me up for stealing my own bicycle once!!

    2. Not surprised. So a family member of Jamie’s (by marriage) wanted to lock you up for stealing your own bicycle... wow, they must lack common sense through and through, all of them. I hear Jamie’s family member who is currently in law enforcement, previously worked under colbourne and caused issues in the department back then. Maybe Jamie can clear things up with spd, the new and old crimes!

  5. Only in da 'bury...

  6. Be interesting if Jake Day was behind some thefts @ SPD and the recent Hoax at the school

    some firemen get caught lighting fires
    to get recognition

    1. Look NO FURTHER than Day, James yamakawa and Dan O'Hare!! These are your local race baiting progressive "artists"

  7. You are so correct thank you for telling us what's really going on. Because no one else in this town once to say it like it is. People getting killed stabbed robbed raped and everything else and nothing is being said to the community. Now with all this craziness at the SPD and the graffiti SU is out of control. Too much coddling of the young thugs who are committing crimes as well as those individuals who run our city. There's definitely Double standard going on. The writing on walls at SU is being made out to be a major production. I do not condone that type of behavior and racism but I don't think it warrants shutting Down the school and having the FBI and aclu investigate. I agree those who wrote that should be punished. However the last guy who did that was of color and nothing happened to him. So what makes this time any different. I am sure if it's a white person that did it this time, which I'm sure it's not, he will be hung Out to dry. This town is becoming more and more out of control and pathetic as the days go on. If you wanna complain about graffiti and racist comments maybe you should check out the schools. The bathroom walls are littered with graffiti and racist Comments. But instead of making a production and giving these domestic terrorist control and the publicity that they want, they are just removed from the school property and those students are disciplined once caught. This town has also seemed to turn into a reverse racism. Whites are the minority. All white history is being removed, because someone thinks it'racist but there is now a committed that was put together for a "lynching memorial" thing. Seriously people Do you really want to look at that??? If that's not racist I dont know what is.

    1. Butt Jake's šŸŒˆcrosswalks make everything go away.

  8. Get this on FIX NEWS.


  9. Hulk Hogan? Hahahaha

  10. Salisbury screwed itself by electing people like Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Jim Ireton and Jake Day. Tilghman brought in Webster and she or Ireton brought in Duncan instead of promoting Guthrie or Barkley. I can’t wait to see names so that those of us who have been following this for a long time can start connecting dots. Sadly, our city seems to be rotten to the core.

  11. We see that you've done a studio upgrade. Nice.

  12. Facts catching up to J. K.?

  13. We love you leo. You can do no wrong. Thank you for everything you do. Your protected stand behind that blue shield. Keep serving the senators and congress, screw the people get that tax money. Who needs rights and the Constitution anyway.

  14. A crime is a crime!the judicial system has been and still is broken to say the least! Once again Salibury is nursing a black eye!who should be above the law..
    No one. The good old boy system needs to go! Does not matter if you are white, black, yellow or any color in between. Wrong is wrong and the law is the law! If you want your credibility back officials must uphold the law know matter who broke it and that includes them!

  15. I'm confused. Are you saying the SPD stole evidence to be used in a single case of a single crime - a cover up? Someone trying to protect a criminal? If so, who? Or is this just a discovery of crime within the department?

  16. 6:00, Confused? I think not, you're stirring the pot and making things up. NO ONE said anything of the sort. Your comment is fabricated. You need to sit back and see what little details the States Attorneys Office releases today. My guess is that they will barely touch the surface on reality but we shall see. Heck, they may even delay the release because SBYNews was on top of it first. We'll see.

  17. Maryland State Police are conducting the investigation. If you don't believe they'll leave every stone unturned you're kidding yourself. No love lost between MSP and local law enforcement.

  18. Jamie doesn’t like to release stuff. The real attorneys left for Worcester county and private practice

  19. Good luck on that, you can't even get these morons to go out and even vote!!!! SO what do you expect!!!!

  20. 9:01 name one school!

  21. Joe,
    What time is this important info coming out?

  22. 8:20 - you mean after they were fired or about to be. Give us a break. Real attorneys? Now that's funny

  23. I hope this makes National news!

  24. "We've been told by multiple sources Officers are involved "

    I knew police officers were involved by how fast Barb Duncan was claiming it was all because of a "civilian" employee. Nice cover up.

  25. Did the Adderal disappear?

  26. Well Jamie and Sheriff Shawty has been protecting their little Jakey Poo! This is obviously too big for Jamie to cover up and protect her girl Jakey!

  27. I hear there is over 40,000 pieces of evidence that might be compromised.

  28. I doubt any of it was upcoming case related unless it was the mayors dope girl. Id bet more like smash n grab...pocket change per say..valuable items from old cases bringing cash. Then again...what cases were destroyed?

  29. Lots of cash and dope {easily converted to cash} over years and years of seizures...in the millions I bet.

  30. You all know full well the SA isnt going to say squat esp an on going investigation. I bet even some judges knew something wasnt right.

  31. Now people that deserve assistance will be denied cases and others not prosecuted because the SA office will be backlogged and crime will rise even more. Sad.

  32. 1006, you must be one of Jamie’s buddies. So you also must know her dirt, nice try though. Jamie cleaned house and then brought her dirt over to work at wicomico to help her “lead”.

  33. Maybe why some of these cases can't be solved/brought to justice.

  34. I bet this comes back with Day's dirt on it!! I hope they ALL get a as ight with their hands in the cookie jar. Tilghman, Ireton, Day, Stevenson, glantz, Webster and Duncan!!

  35. Any truth to the rumor that the person who put the racist graffiti on the walls of SU was a black person ONCE AGAIN?!? This is twice that it has happened and it has been a black person both times. After all of the verbal abuse that has been directed at whites, AGAIN, without proof or reason. Calling out all white people as racist when it wasn’t a white person AT ALL. This is TWICE. I bet there will be no apologies to those of us who were vilified by the NAACP and the black community. Disgusting.

  36. still waiting for this news break!

  37. Any news on this Joe, or have they not yet released anything yet?

  38. Has there been at news yet? If so, what is it?

  39. Better wrap up those "loose ends" fast JK

    1. RK x 2 were the supervisors over the main culprit at the time. You are confused. One of them now a Captain. Bet they do nothing to him.

  40. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    still waiting for this news break!

    February 21, 2020 at 2:01 PM

    me too. I thought I missed it.

  41. What happened to that press conference?

  42. Anonymous said...
    Better wrap up those "loose ends" fast JK

    February 21, 2020 at 4:23 PM

    Who is JK?

  43. So what's the hold up?

  44. 9:31, ask the States Attorneys Office.

  45. Dykes was NOT crooked - good man, and he was railroaded by a crooked new mayor. How much money has the city lost since then - Dykes took care of the city and did not tolerate crime. He took care of his officers also. The city has been in a downward spiral ever since he left.

    1. You can still search about the vehicles sales issue that forced him out. He wasn’t the only person involved in that. There was allegedly a property issue at spd back then to. Apparently that issue hits close to home for some offices and attorneys at wicomico still. Just ask around.

    2. Dont forget the dead race horse...

  46. I knew they weren't going to issue anything on a Saturday! M-F 8- 4:30 and done!!

  47. Amen Joe time to see this mayor be thrown out of office and his wife get a real out of county trial and a real sentence in jail. Duncan and your cronies your day is coming too I can see the swamp draining quickly.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Dykes was NOT crooked - good man, and he was railroaded by a crooked new mayor. How much money has the city lost since then - Dykes took care of the city and did not tolerate crime. He took care of his officers also. The city has been in a downward spiral ever since he left.

    February 22, 2020 at 3:48 PM

    Oh Really! Ask Mr. Hitch from Hitch insurance how Dykes wasn't so crooked back then!

  49. Replies
    1. Agreed, and not all of the family members have the last name of Dykes and some were in law enforcement and part of colbournes down fall and possibly still in law enforcement now!

  50. Dear Jake and Barbara....nah, nah, nah, nah....nah, nah, nah, nah....hey, hey, hey.......GOODBYE!!!!!

  51. Why do you think Joe had anything to do with this? How about kudos to Jamie Dykes and her team? Wake up.

  52. IM glad to see outhers get to see what goes on in the city and county this place has been bad for some time. Im Glad to Know Joe. He is the only one I have ever seen, to try too bring things out in the light so all can see. I have Lived here and worked here all my life. Im 68 years old.I worked with the county an city. I started Recycling for them, For my good deed,I was given over a Million Dollors in fines an 20 years in prision.Thank you City County.Here is what you cant do is take my pride. We need more people like Joe AN Bob Culver. I don't want this to sound like all people their are bad I meet a lot of good people, LOOK AT THE TOP YOU WILL SEE.

  53. Officer suicide, officers sleeping with each other’s spouses, covering up crime stats,and now evidence tampering, yet the chief is still here! That department needs a shake down from the top down.

  54. Can i take my seatbelt off now?

  55. Hey Joe, not trying to change the subject but whatever happened to the Princess Anne Police Department's "patrol" helicopter? Anyone seen it lately?


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