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Sunday, February 09, 2020

JUST IN: Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who made waves as a witness during the Trump impeachment proceedings, was fired Friday by the National Security Council and escorted off of the White House grounds, Fox News has confirmed.

Vindman was on detail to the National Security Council from the Department of Defense, and it is expected he will return there. It comes just two days after President Trump was acquitted in the Senate on the impeachment charges brought by the House last year over his dealings with Ukraine.

In a lengthy statement, Vindman’s attorney, David Pressman, confirmed that Vindman had been escorted out of the White House on Friday.



  1. If he makes full bird we'll know the system is broken. If he goes before a court martial, there's still hope.

  2. He is on the President's staff. If the President feels he can't trust him he has every right to fire him.

  3. Should have sent him to GITMO. ONAMA RAT.

  4. Should have sent him to GITMO. OBAMA RAT.

  5. Keep draining the swamp on a quicker pace.

  6. The Deep State is very slowly shrinking!

  7. This’ll knock that smug smirk off his face.

  8. Fired right back to a great position in DOD. What about the whistle blower ?

  9. Not fired he Back working at the Department of Defense

  10. Northwest Woodsman: As a retired army officer, I can truthfully say that my general observation is that this guy is a total putt and pervert.

  11. Getting closer to the drain plug at the bottom of the swamp. Going down the chain link by link, got his brother(leaked possible story line from Bolton book, POSSIBLE) at nsa also. Lets begin a contest- my money is on Biden as drain plug. Long time insider and they have already thrown him under the bus.

  12. Great !!! Fire that stupid SNAKE !!!!

  13. He and brother should be court marshaled.

  14. The media reports this as a crime, however, isn't there a law that prohibits military personnel from critizing the Commander in Chief.

  15. Trump should be playing "Another One Bites the Dust." The swamp has a lot of swamp creatures in it. I think Trump needs 4 more years to clean them out. Trump 2020!

  16. I say we really get into everything Obama did and check every contact and action that sticks out. Also all the prison rats he let out before leaving office check to see why he released so many with really bad crimes !

  17. Love it > he can go work for Pelosi !!!! Dirt Ball LIAR !!!!!

  18. At least an Article 15.

  19. He was an Obama SPY !!! Many are lurking in the Gov't !!!


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