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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Gingrich: Censure Nancy Pelosi for Tearing Up Trump’s SOTU Speech

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.



  1. it’s truly frightening how she is behaving. If I wereTrump I would not inform her of anything. Let her become irrelevant.

  2. She's a piss poor excuse for a human and skank nasty on top of that...

  3. Miss crankshaft of 1955 really showed how childish and immature she is. She could not lead a kindergarten class to recess.

  4. Meh. The President refused her handshake on live television in front of the whole nation.

    Don't get all high and mighty and righteous and call for action when you feel the other team has acted inappropriately if you don't intend to do the same for your own team.

    BOTH Trump and Pelosi are treating this like the WWE, and it's becoming absurd. BOTH need to act like the leaders they were elected to be.

    The MAIN reason that our political leaders run buck shot on all of us and get nothing done is because we only condemn the other team, and pretend our team didn't do anything wrong when they do the same. This is the swamp, and it feeds the swamp.

    WE need to DEMAND better of ALL our leaders, and if they don't right themselves, we vote them out of office.

    1. Not entirely sure he snubbed her. Snubbing her would have been more obvious if he shook Vice President Pence’s hand. He didn’t, though, which makes her more childish.


  5. Actually, this big display of childishness and out-of-control egos is a good thing.

    It is a clear demonstration of what the left is all about, and even the lefties that are not completely mental yet are seeing this and getting turned off by it.

    2020 LANDSLIDE>>>> MAGA!!

  6. Before Trump could have acknowledged Nancy with a handshake she didn't even introduce him the way she knows it was supposed to have been done, she has done it enough times to know word for word what she was to have said, but she slighted him from the start--listen and you will hear her introduction. If I was Trump she would always be left out of the loop of anything, everything she would here would be second hand through someone else!

  7. He didn't shake hands with Pense either, so he did not slight her. She is just a Bi**h! I wouldn't have shook her hand either if I had been him.

  8. Then let's have her charged or bring some action against her. It's time the Republicans start putting some teeth in their bark. When enough of these idiot Dems are charged and made to answer for their actions, THEN things will start to settle down. Don't say, DO IT!!!

  9. I hope they continue their charades till November

  10. The WHOLE Dirty bunch incl Her need to be Punished &

    it needs to be Made in Law that they cannot continue their
    behaviors !!!! A way to REMOVE them is needed NOW !!!!

  11. That was her last little hissy fit....Trump has spanked her like a red headed step child!!

  12. Pelosi did Not deserve any Handshake > She is Irrelevent !!!!

  13. Pelosi thinks SHE > IS > THE GOVERNMENT !!!

  14. Shows her Malice & Intent & that she Disregards the
    Constitution & Law that is ABOVE her in power !!!

    These Arrogant Nut cases have No business in any position of
    any authority , let alone in Congress !!!

  15. There are NO Rules > ONLY Her Rules !!!!

  16. She is probably off this week-end on her Private Jet to Bali !!!!

  17. She would Just Tear up any Censure !!! Won't Happen

  18. Republicans better Tuffen up & Clean up the House Swamp !!!


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