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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Iowa Democratic caucus results are plunged into crisis as party says it has found 'INCONSISTENCIES' and will have to use paper ballots in panicked statement saying it has NOT been hacked - and candidates leave without knowing who won

The Iowa Democratic caucus results were plunged into crisis Monday night as a new app failed, party organizers warned they had found 'inconsistencies,' and issued a panicked public statement to say they had not been hacked.

Caucusing around the state started at 7pm Central Standard Time. Three hours later, not a single precinct's results were officially in.

'We found inconsistencies in the reporting of three sets of results. In addition to the tech systems being used to tabulate results, we are also using photos of results and a paper trail to validate that all results match and ensure that we have confidence and accuracy in the numbers we report,' Iowa Democratic Party Communications Director Mandy McClure said in a statement. 'This is simply a reporting issue, the app did not go down and this is not a hack or an intrusion.'

The underlying data and paper trail is sound and will simply take time to further report the results,' McClure added. Earlier, other Iowa officials had pointed a finger at the app.



  1. PASS VOTING MACHINE SECURITY LEGISLATION. What could possibly be a negative outcome?


  3. Which mens, "Bernie won by a landslide, but we're not going to admit it".

  4. DNC leaks not the candidate "WE" want was top choice= quality check.

  5. The one thing you have to remember about Democrats and perhaps the most important thing is that when Democrats don't like the rules they just change them to suit their immediate purpose. They've done this time after time. Remember the new rule was that you had to have x-number of public donations to receive delegates. Now that would have left the Democrats fall back guy,"Bloomberg" out because he is self financing himself. So when they, DNC, saw Bernie surging they changed the rules last Friday to eliminate that requirement. The DNC will do anything to get rid of Bernie because they know if he wins the nomination that Americans will not vote for a Democratic SOCIALIST America. We now have only a Republican Party, Independent Voters and a Socialist Party in America.

  6. Funny how they have to keep using paper ballots, Don't you just love robots???? Oh wait they will come for your jobs soon!!! They are already hitting the fast food scene... Wait until you have robot waiters like in china, and then what do we need any of you fucking morons for making 15 bucks and hour and still can't make a damn sandwich right...

    I can't wait to have robots making my food, at least you morons won't have a job and then I can at least get quality service and have my dang on food made right... But you all now it all right??? Hows that job working out for you???

  7. Ha ha, so much cheating and we've barely begun. DNC does not want Bernie and I would bet that's what first count showed.

  8. These are the people who want to run the Country instead of Trump. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  9. The dumbocrats are waiting for the highest bidder to emerge.

  10. Bernie must have gotten an early lead and the Democrats (who don't trust the voters to decide who their candidate will be) stopped recording the votes until they could come up with an excuse for not naming the victors. In the meantime, they are deciding how to "report" the results so that they favor the party's choice, and not the voter's choice. Bernie, you are being screwed again. My God, how many times can democrats lose in a week? They are messed up on all fronts. And Pelosi, Schiff, and Schummer continue to distract from their campaigns. The party is imploding....and Trump is winning. It just blows their minds!

  11. LMAO, who didn't predict this. Need more popcorn, the show is just starting.

  12. LOL LOL Nobody wants ANY of the dirty Bastards !!! LOL

  13. It’s the Russians again!

  14. Caucas LOOOSERS !!!! Iowa is a JOKE !!!

  15. Good smokescreen for cookin' results.

  16. Hacked by the Clinton Foundation !!!!

  17. Like the top democrats say, they can't trust the voters to choose who gets elected.


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