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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Empowered Trump Loyalist Asks for List of Never Trumpers in the President’s Cabinet

John McEntee, the new head of President Donald Trump’s Presidential Personnel Office (PPO), asked White House staff to list “anti-Trump” political appointees in the administration.

McEntee met with White House cabinet liaisons on Thursday to request a list, according to three sources familiar with the meeting who spoke to Axios reporter Jonathan Swan.

Trump enters the next phase of his presidency determined to root out disloyalty in the administration, and McEntee’s return demonstrates his commitment to the task.

McEntee is now in charge of political appointments to the administration, and the president has empowered him to remove the Trump appointees who are blocking his agenda and even working against him.



  1. Get the Traitors OUT !!!!

    1. 908 so are you a modern day Tory out tonhang anyone who is against the crown?

    2. I am. Do you want someone around you that is out to destroy you. Someone you will deliberately destroy your family, your home, your everyday decisions just because they hate you. Think again 🤔

  2. oh, like they will raise their hands and say it, right? Just before getting fired for it.

    Yeah, that's a foolproof method.



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