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Saturday, February 22, 2020

DHS Whistleblower against Obama Administration Philip Haney Found Dead – Shot and Killed

DHS whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead on Friday.
The whistleblower against the Obama administration was shot dead near his vehicle in California.

Haney told Sean Hannity in 2016 that he was ordered during the Obama administration to scrub the record of Muslims in the US with terrorist ties.

The story has still not hit the mainstream media.
The Gateway Pundit was notified of this last night.

Haney had been missing since Wednesday.

Philip Haney said political correctness during the Obama years killed the investigation that might have stopped the San Bernardino Christmas terrorists.



  1. Hello

    The Clinton - Obama mafia is at Work

    President Trump flushed em out like a group of Quail in the bushes

    we may need to help with this corruption Patriots....our President Trump cannot do this alone

  2. Isn’t it starting to be blatantly obvious??
    Hasn’t anyone noticed?
    The Democrat party et al is a criminal syndicate.

  3. It is being investigated as a Suicide.

    1. Yeahhhhhhh... suicide... that's it..

  4. No...he is dead of natural causes. Naturally when you fall on ten bullets at 2000 feet per second you will die surely from the lead poisoning. Nothing to see here.

  5. Ok so its murder conspiracy thats likely. But a man who has a phone record, self admission, eye witnesses from decorated Vets, multiole teatimony, and the backing of the accountability of the evidence from his own politcal appointees, yet a claim against the man doing lesser wrong doing has to be a contrived smear and lie. LOL

  6. 10:42 Dude. Please don’t vote.

  7. Yes so I guess he shot himself in the back of the head with his hands tied behind his back
    Sounds about correct

  8. To 10:42 pm...what are you saying?

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Anyone else confused by 10:42s comment? The term Incoherent doesn’t seem to be sufficient. This is just another political hit job from Pedomarxist democrat politicians similar to Mark Rich and Andrew Breitbart .

  10. I figured it out. 10:42 is Creepy Uncle Joe Biden!


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