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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Virginia State Senator Warns Gun Owners About Rally: ‘We Are Being Set Up’

Republican Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase issued a warning on Friday to the thousands of Second Amendment advocates who are planning to attend an upcoming massive pro-gun rally in Richmond, saying that they are “being set up.”

The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) organized the event, which is being held on Monday, and “is traditionally known as ‘Lobby Day’ in Virginia’s capital,” WTOP reported. “Tens of thousands are expected to show up for the event Monday in Richmond. Given the contentious nature of the issue, the prospect of such a large event has raised tensions. Earlier, [Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph] Northam declared a state of emergency. And recent arrests have further raised those tensions.”

In a Facebook post, Chase wrote: “Sadly, I am posting this, knowing that the Governor of Virginia has declared a State of Emergency in our state. I want you to be aware of how we are being set up. Does the Patriot Act ring a bell? Does the National Defense Authorization Act ring a bell?”

More here


  1. Sen. Chase is correct. This is a trap.
    But, what if the President sent in Federal troops to "protect" the protestors right to protest and to prevent the state of VA from attacking the protestors!

  2. don't shoot the protesters.

  3. It's a trap, sure it is. But more in the sense that it will be skewed by the left-wing media. They will only show right-wing wack jobs and not the regular, everyday guy fighting for -not only his right - but for the rights of millions of others.
    We all know how the last big rally was remembered: one fanatic showed up and ran over some counter-protesters. That's how the media wants it to happen.

  4. There are approximately 100 million gun owners in the United States with each owning an average of 120 guns.
    There are approximately 1 million Law enforcement officers in the United States many of which will stand down.
    You do the math.
    A cop with any sense whatsoever will not show up to the fight.
    They are outgunned by overwhelming odds and will meet certain death if they want to protect Democrats.

  5. Oh yes the old UN patriot act, passed without any problems..the lodges wrote it so what could go wrong.

  6. Yeah he's a pansy trying to have the protest cancelled because he knows it will demonstrate when an armed populace decides its going somewhere you will do nothing about it. F him and Northram. It isn't the armed people of Virginia starting the war it's the democrats. Let the chips fall where they may.

  7. 6:36 where in hell did you get those numbers. Maybe you added a zero on the 12 that is possible. No matter if it is a set up or not we the people win. The mere fact that honest law abiding people who love this country will take a stand sends a shot across this nation. There are still Patriots that have laying low waiting for this day. The fact is we have already been set up. All of this is a diversion to the fact that Americans are seeing what a corrupt bunch we have living on Capitol Hill on both side sides of the isle. War is coming a freeman has no choice but to fight.

  8. Of course you are being set up, they are going to record you and get facial recognition on you, and put you on "THE LIST"... And then come get you when the time is right...

  9. 6:36 your a moron, they gave cops military gear for a reason!!! Think about that, is your single shot hand gun going to stop an 8 to 12 man team of military geared out cops with a MRAP? or drones? You people are morons...

  10. DIRTY ass traitor cops should have called in SICK.

  11. White people and their guns๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  12. 9:31 no, but 2 patriots at the MRAP drivers house and kids school will make him think twice about his mistake.
    Liberal cops are way outgunned in the US no matter what they bring.
    We do to them what they do to us. They can’t protect all their interests at once.
    They don’t know dirty. But they will.

  13. 12:00 At lease our guns are legal and not stolen with the serial numbers scraped off๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Approximately 30% of the population own weapons.
    That’s over 100,000 million people.
    The estimate for the US is 120.5 weapons per 100 people. Wiki.
    That’s a lot of private barrels pointed at anyone that supports an illegal and unconstitutional Democrat disarmament.


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