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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Facts Your Local Media Are Too LAZY To Expose On Ocean City Windmill Proposal

This week I will be creating an article that should blow each ad everyone out there away with FACTS. With almost 2,000 people attending last weeks meeting at the convention center in Ocean City, the company that is involved in this project stacked the deck with tons of people who were allowed to speak first, delaying LOCALS up to six hours before those who opposed the project could be heard. By that time there were very few people, (including local media) around to hear the truth.

I will deliver FACTS about how they are lying about the actual energy they claim these windmills will create and NO ONE ever calculated the figures, we did. Keep checking in this week as it will take some time to put it all together. By the way, each blade on each unit is bigger in height than the Statue of Liberty. 


  1. please cover the perceived height at the distance planned

  2. Here's more fun facts. Using spherical trigonometry at 10 miles off the coast, 10x10x8/12, 67 feet of that should be hidden behind a curve of earth.

    At 20 miles off the coast 20x20x8/12, 267 feet should be hidden.

    At 30 miles off the coast 30x30x8/12, 600 feet should be hidden.

    At 36 miles off the coast 36x36x8/12, 864 feet should be hidden.

    Now on a clear and preferably cold day as to limit atmospheric interference, take a high zoom camera such as a Nikonp900 and see if that is true.

  3. OPTICS is the least of the unfavorable issues!

  4. https://instituteforenergyresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Giberson-study-Final.pdf

  5. Let’s notice that those figures are based on 100% visibility. Not the haze that is in place 90% of the time

  6. Came at noon to speak. There were 100+ people — mostly Union and industry - who had registered before the event started. Each was allowed 3 minutes - so 5 hours before my turn would come up. Couldn’t wait that long. Have a job.

  7. 2:01

    They don't want to hear from you. The fix is in.

  8. Jake knows this place will never see the jobs and the school is a joke with anticipated enrollment of 50 people a year. He is selling your tax dollars for political gain. You will be on the hook for decades of taxes supporting corporate welfare. And then add in the kirwin taxes and this place will be nothing but section 8 retail ghetto. You thought it was bad now, just wait.

  9. Like anyone can see that far. Make the beach topless to no one will notice that either.

  10. A Nikon p900 has something like a 180 zoom. 36 miles at 5280 feet per is 190,080 feet. With a x180 zoom that should be the equivalent of looking at something 1056 feet away, a little under a quarter of a mile. You can see the statue of liberty from 1/4 a mile and using that spherical equation of the earths curvature you should not be able to see those turbines as they would be behind a wall of curved water. Of course the reality is that you don't live on a globe. You'll find you'll actually be able to see most of those turbines assuming you bring a strong enough zoom sans the bottom portion where atmosphere from the water and dust obscure a little bit of the base.

  11. 10:16 all good based on your inability to process and comprehend information correctly.
    Reread the article.
    The BLADES are taller than the Statue of Liberty. Not the total height of the “wind generator”.

  12. @10:17 It's not my ability to process and comprehend information in question, it's yours. The blades are as tall as the statue of liberty and if you bothered to look at the image provided you will note the entire structure is 853 feet tall.

    Next time read before you open your mouth.

  13. Let's talk about routine maintenance and how salt deteriorates seals causing leaking or how they are powered by fossil fuels, in which they need routine service. How many have failed Mr. Numbers?

  14. Or how about how it affects sea creatures especially dolphin and possibly Blue Marlin?? Other wild life is affected as well due to magnetic fields and vibrations!

  15. For those of you who came to speak but could not wait the 5 1/2 hours, go to the MD PSC web site https://www.psc.state.md.us/ an you can leave a comment by end of day 1/31. The case numbers are 9627 an 9628

  16. Are they two lazy or too corrupt?


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