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Sunday, January 19, 2020

VIRGINIA ALERT: Northam to Issue State of Emergency - Ban ALL Guns on Capitol Grounds


  1. I can see SCOTUS being involved in this one. No governor can overrule the constitution of the USA with a bogus "state of emergency."

  2. because all those no gun zones are so safe?


  3. How about the guns his security guards have...?

  4. The Second American Revolution is on the way.

    People like him (those who believe THEY get to tell you which of our GOD GIVEN rights they will ALLOW you to use) will inadvertently begin the revolution.
    They have never read the Constitution or the writings that underpin it. They don't know (but will learn quickly) that the Founders recognized our need to defend ourselves against rulers (that's what he THINKS he is) who forget their place.
    They didn't enshrine the right to BEAR arms (not just "keep" them) because they loved to go hunting or because the occasional highwayman might try to rob them.
    Oh no. NOT AT ALL.
    It was SPECIFICALLY done to allow us ("We, the people") to put them in their rightful place (6 feet deep).
    THE PEOPLE rule this country. Not wanna-be kings and princes.
    I'm going to buy another crate of .223 rounds when I get home tonight.

    Because people like him don't stop.

    Keep cheering.

    1. If you went to a gym you wouldn’t need one. Granted very FEW can handle my speed an accuracy but SERIOUSLY!! Thank you.

    2. At January 15th 9:34 p.m. So what you're saying is that a woman the size of Halle Berry should go to the gym and workout that way if somebody the size of Mike Tyson breaks into her house she'll just be able to use her fists and fighting skills and strength to protect herself. SERIOUSLY !!!????

  5. Better Idea > BAN Him !!! & ALL other Demoncrats !!!

  6. Ditto spot on..imclain


  7. King Ralphie is overstepping his powers. I don't know if VA provides for recall; if it does the campaign to remove him should take off like a jet.

    The Constitution of the United States supercedes any Virginia provision, law or edict.

  8. We NEED to make wicomico county a 2nd Amendment county what say u Bob ?

  9. VCDL is filing an injunction

  10. At this point it is obvious that Northam's character is playing the role of agent provocateur.
    It is a Psyop

  11. When "Coonman" speaks, he makes AOC look like a Genius!

  12. Issue a "BLACKFACE " BAN !!!! Get a new Governor !!!

  13. Yes Bob: What say you?

  14. Governor Black Face only Echoes what progressives are all about

    They dont want President Trump, and want to destroy WE THE PEOPLE who pay their lavish lifestyles with our taxes. President Trump exposed them for us to see.

    In the American Revolution when George Washington was loosing battles, he chose to get the progressive leaders.

    We The People need to take action as a group

    against these Transgender loving progressive nut jobs


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