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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Justin Trudeau blames US 'escalation' for Iran's downing of Ukrainian airplane

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 48, said on Monday that the United States bears responsibility for Iran's downing of a Ukrainian airplane last Wednesday, which killed all 176 passengers on board.

“I think if there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families,” Trudeau said in an interview on Monday.

Fifty-seven Canadians were among those killed last Wednesday after the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps fired a ballistic missile at a commercial Boeing 737 plane. The strike occurred during an Iranian attack on Iraqi air bases housing U.S. military personnel. Trudeau said the incident is "something that happens when you have conflict and war."



  1. What a wuss! Just doesn’t like being upstaged by Trump.

  2. They let this doofus speak the truth about the topic knowing nobody will believe him.


  3. I thought the missile did it - probably got a ride in a killer SUV to get there.

  4. Was he saying it while in black face?

  5. Hey Trudeau, appeasing Iran and not retaliating has not stopped their threats and aggression, or their killing of Americans. Somebody needed to stop them, and Trudeau should be THANKING Trump for what's he's done. He has finally made the Mullahs think twice about what they do. As long as Trump is in office, they will have to wonder what Trump is going to do, in response to their aggression. As it should be....

  6. Hey Trudeau, it was Iran that shot down your Canadian citizens, not Trump. Your citizens would be home right now if Iran, in their guilty paranoia after firing their missiles at US bases in Iraq, didn't shoot down the first thing in their airspace following the firing of their missiles. I think Trudeau is afraid of Iran. He should keep his citizens out of there. Even a Canadian PM has TDS. Only a delusional person can think Trump is responsible for IRAN shooting down a civilian airliner in Iranian airspace.

  7. That's like blaming the parents of a psychopath for having a baby in the first place.
    He needs to adjust his skirt.

  8. That cross-dressing sissy thinks he has a beard and looks like a man now.

    That's who he should be blaming. But if he does, the muslims might try to kill him.
    Trump just heaps more insults on him and shows everyone what a total dumbass trudeau really is....

    Keep cheering.

  9. The truth is that Trudeau threw the moon and blinded the pilots.

  10. He is NO good either like his Democrat Cousins in America !!!!

  11. 601
    I see it kicked in

  12. Isn't juicy/Justin Beaver from Canuck ?

  13. Trump will be non stop going after him now. Not sure what PM was thinking but blaming US just so you don’t have to do anything is not smart policy

  14. It would not have happened if the Terrorist didn’t kill and American and attack embassy.

  15. Same mentality that blames guns for murder.

  16. Trump needs to slap his fat mouth and turn him over his knee and spank this Brownface wearing brat!

  17. I blame Canada's problems on Fidel Castro. After all he is Justin Trudeau's true father


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