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Saturday, January 04, 2020

USA Today op-ed: It was ‘terrifying’ that Texas churchgoers were armed

USA Today is being criticized for publishing an opinion piece on Wednesday arguing it’s “terrifying” that some Texas churchgoers were armed when Jack Wilson jumped into action and killed a mass shooter before he could shoot anyone else.

Wilson, a firearms instructor who was a volunteer member of the church's security team, has been widely praised for his life-saving response, but Arizona Republic columnist Elvia Diaz found problems with the situation.

The piece, “Armed, even in church: Texas shooting is about a lot more than Jack Wilson's heroism,” was published with the disclaimer that the views are the author's and do not reflect USA Today’s leadership.

Diaz called Wilson a hero before claiming "unfortunately" the “split-second heroism has been turned into a PR tool by gun advocates.”

“We know nothing about the at least six other parishioners who also appeared to draw their handgun… and that's terrifying,” Diaz wrote.

Diaz admitted that Wilson saved lives with a single shot and “other gun-wielding parishioners were ready just in case” he failed, but criticized why the churchgoers were armed in the first place.




  1. Northwest Woodsman: Love these Pedomarxist democrats who complain about law abiding citizens legally carrying concealed weapons but they would be the first to cower behind one when the shooting stats. If an armed citizen were to do nothing to protect the Pedomarxist, surely a lawsuit would be filed against them when clearly, armed intervention was called for. Example: complaints by Pedomarxist democrats that President Trump was doing nothing about Iranian threats when behind the scenes, he had authorized the military to make the termination and when the termination was accomplished, they complain that it was overly aggressive and would start a war with Iran. He was criticized either way.

  2. Great assumption. Many of these Pedomarxist do not attend church. They are better than God or are atheists. In either case, not worth saving.

  3. We are armed because we love life we love freedom and we love the second amendment. We pride ourselves in taking action when necessary. Truth is if this happened in Maryland the outcome would have been totally different. Liberals hate when the citizens protect and defend they would much rather see the loss of innocent life so they could defend a stupid agenda.


  4. "He was criticized either way."

    And there it is. He will be, no matter what he does, and we will be, no matter what we do.

    So-- on with it. Git-r-done.

  5. Some liberals have to be the lowest form of life on earth.

  6. Its terrifying to me she needs Armed Security

  7. January 4, 2020 at 11:45 AM:

    Wow, you've learned a new word while sitting at the keyboard. Good going.

  8. That shooter never had a chance. Well, maybe briefly. Six other parishioners had their weapons drawn and ready to fire on him. But the one who took him out was highly trained (one shot to the head) and bravely advanced on him even though the shooter was armed and firing the weapon. More churches, and maybe every church should have armed security in this day and age where religion, and particularly Christianity, is under attack by the leftist / socialist culture in this country.

  9. People still go to church?

    There's enough cable channels for all religions that run 24/7.

    Is there a law that states you can only receive religion by going to an official place of worship?

    Kinda deep, I know.

  10. January 5, 2020 at 11:07 AM:

    Deep? That is some very shallow thought, and calling it a thought is a stretch. One doesn't go to church to "receive" religion. People go there to practice their religion and religious services. I doubt you've ever been in one. Try it sometime. You'll be welcomed and you might learn something. BTW, there's no "law" that says you have to go. Just saying...


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