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Saturday, January 04, 2020

Census: China Sending More Immigrants to U.S. than Any Other Country

No one country has sent more of its nationals to the United States over the last decade than China, newly released Census Bureau data reveals.

Between 2018 and 2019, China replaced Mexico as the largest sending country of foreign-born immigrants to the U.S. over the last decade. In 2006, more Mexican nationals arrived in the U.S. than Chinese, Indians, and Canadians combined.

Fast forward to 2018 and China now sends the most foreign-born immigrants to the U.S. — surpassing India, Mexico, and Canada. Since 2010, alone, China has sent more foreign-born immigrants to the U.S. than any other country.

India, too, has sent more foreign-born immigrants to the U.S. than Mexico since 2010 — a pattern of legal immigration that has shifted the wage and job burden from America’s blue-collar workers to the white-collar workforce.

Every year, about 1.2 million legal immigrants are admitted to the country, the majority of which immediately begin competing for U.S. jobs against America’s working and middle class.



  1. I am sure they are. They want to be the top country, so they send them over here for all of their training, mostly free college and they are taught how we are the best country. Then they go back to China with all the trade secrets they could come up with. They have been doing this for years. Some braindead Americans think they are allies when they really are not.

    1. Foreign students pay full tuition, that is why schools love them

  2. The enemy is inside the gates!

    The US Government can no longer be trusted with our society. The Government has been infiltrated by secret communists (Cabalists). Israel is in full control of the US Government

  3. Hogan has become the prime example of Maryland politicians. He just sold out his base of Republicans by inviting even more immigrants to be supported by the over-taxed citizenry. This is so despicable I can hardly gather my thoughts.

  4. Cut Off ALL immigration !!! America is FULL !!!!

  5. Smoke some more of that stuff 1152, it's really improving your thinking process

  6. Democrats don’t even have to worry about teaching them Communism or lower education.

  7. More SPIES !!! to America

  8. Isn’t it funny how snowflakes who’ve never stared down the barrel of a gun can sit and write insidious bull for readers to endure? Once again the propaganda is in full throttle as lunatic liberals continue to try to curry favor when they have absolutely no clue what it is they’re talking about. Their world view is limited at best and they take for granted the fact they live in a free society, while enjoying one of many freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Yes, people who yammer incessantly on and on about their desire to eradicate the Second Amendment while using their First Amendment, makes them hypocritical ingrates at best. Doesn’t that just pretty much sum up a sector of our population who is utterly clueless? Consider the source whom chose to publish such junk. Once again, enjoying the First while damning the Second without any thought whatsoever that without the latter the former freedom is in peril as well.

    Our founders understood human nature and it’s the reason that each Amendment interlocks with the others in the original group. Perhaps it wouldn’t kill any liberal to actually learn about founders’ intentions before running off at the mouth. Might do them some good.


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