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Thursday, January 02, 2020

U.S. Taking Democracy for Granted, Chief Justice Roberts Says

The U.S. has “come to take democracy for granted,” Chief Justice John Roberts said, urging his fellow judges to keep educating the public about the workings of the federal government and the Constitution.

Roberts, who is slated to oversee the Senate‘s impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in the coming weeks, used his year-end report Tuesday to laud the federal judiciary’s work on civic education, while issuing a thinly veiled warning about the fragility of American democracy in a fractious time.

“We have come to take democracy for granted, and civic education has fallen by the wayside,” Roberts wrote. “In our age, when social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale, the public’s need to understand our government, and the protections it provides, is ever more vital.”



  1. Roberts is not just compromised, as we saw what he done with obummer care. He IS a faction of the deepstate, he appointed the fisa judges and allowed this abuse to continue and go unobstructed with no accountability for the abuse.

    1. Sit down clown. Im sure in your fantasy world you knownso much more about constitutional law and the issues that have come before the supreme court justices. But for once, lets just allow the judges to do what they get paid for. Rake a coffee break sweety

  2. Remember Nazi Germany = Democrats goal !!!!

  3. Remember Nazi Germany.....? Compare Hitler to Trump


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