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Thursday, January 02, 2020

Obama Met With One of the Iran-Backed Militia Leaders in Baghdad Embassy Attack

On Tuesday, members of the Iran-backed militia Kata'ib Hezbollah and their supporters stormed the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. Hadi al-Amiri, a member of the Iraqi parliament and former head of the Badr Organization with close ties to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard, took part in the embassy attack. In 2011, Amiri visited the White House and met with then-President Barack Obama.

"Did you know Badr Corps chief Hadi Ameri, who led today's raid on the US Embassy in Iraq, was once invited to the [White House] by [Barack Obama]?" asked Iranian news editor M. Hanif Jazayeri. "FYI: Ameri & the Badr Corps get their salary & orders from Iran's dictator Ali Khamenei."

Jazayeri also noted that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called on Iraqis to take over the American embassy just two months ago.

Steven Nabil reported seeing Amiri at the embassy-storming along with other Iraqi government officials.

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  1. Anybody notice John Kerry too?

  2. how about Hillary?

  3. Hillary's getting out of the Country before we jail her. Got accepted to a do nothing job (fitting) in Ireland.

    1. 5:37 pm I can't believe she was accepted by Ireland. This woman will do anything to take away from her shady past and to divert media from Trump to yourself. She has no shame. What is in your body chemistry that makes people like that?

  4. Hell, Obama WAS their leader !!!


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