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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Transgender activist Jessica Yaniv charged with assault: Report

Transgender activist Jessica Yaniv was reportedly arrested after attacking Canadian journalist Keenan Bexte outside of court.

"Yaniv has been ordered to cease all contact with me, both directly and indirectly," Bexte told the Post Millennial on Wednesday. "I can’t wait for the day when Yaniv is put away for the long haul. (Yaniv) is dangerous and unpredictable."

Yaniv could face five years in prison for the charges. Earlier this month, Bexte posted a video of Yaniv punching him outside of a courthouse. "Get away from me," Yaniv yelled while hitting Bexte, who was also filming the altercation.



  1. He (“Jessica”) drops the f-bomb and pummels the reporter.
    How unladylike!

    He (“Jessica”) follows the reporter while saying “Stay away from me!”
    How irrational!

  2. OH...My...God! I just googled a picture of this Yaniv thing...I don't know if I can eat anything for the rest of the day.

  3. Punching someone and yelling "get away from me!!" as IT pursues and chases someone.
    Reminds me of the police, five against one, with their knee in someone's neck and other cops holding him down, while they beat the crap out of him, and as they are now trained to do (that's right -TRAINED TO DO), continually scream "Stop resisting!!".

    It sounds like they were unable to stop ONE guy with 5 cops when the jury sees the video.

    Everyone is Bruce Lee when they get arrested, huh?

    Keep cheering.

    1. I'll continue cheering cops. You can continue being butt hurt about everything and everyone.

  4. Johnathan is a pervert. Plain and simple !!!

  5. This person is not a “Transgender Activist”, just a mentally unstable narcissist.

  6. “Transgender activist Jessica Yaniv” = “Mentally unstable narcissist”

  7. Imagine what this would look like:

    “A Heterosexual Activist”


  8. Hang him by his WAXED BALLS.

  9. Now, What type of prison should he/she go to, male or female?

    1. That's a great question

    2. He has all male genitalia. He should be in a male prison. But society is too concerned with feelings over biology.

  10. 9:47.....LOL...Cheerleaders like you don't like to face reality.

    The camera never blinks. Remember that. And remember there are literally THOUSANDS of video's of cops beating up old ladies, beating and shooting children, beating HANDCUFFED citizens, shooting the WRONG people, and even shooting each other.

    You may not LIKE it, but the FACTS are one click away.

    Hitler would have LOVED you.

  11. 1:02- Okay, I can be certain you're a liberal retard, when comparing cops and myself to Hitler. Just because you're an ASS, doesn't mean everyone else is. You can use THAT as my analogy of police officers as well. Everything you described is not limited to police. For instance, you can replace cops with Blacks, MS-13, Illegals, and yes, White people. Calling all cops as part of the gestapo is a ridiculous argument, and arguing with crazy idiot is pointless, so I will leave you to stew in your own moronic comments and pathetic life. What a sad sack you must be in person!

  12. I hope the prisoners have fun with this Tranny.

  13. 1:39....
    1) I'M a registered Republican. No criminal or civil record.

    2) Those with great authority are also held to a higher standard of behavior. I EXPECT MS-13 to be killers and punks with no regard for the law. Not the police, however....

    3) Just because you choose to ignore the FACTS doesn't mean they don't exist.

    4) I'm almost positive that my IQ is higher than yours.

    5) I've SEEN the police abuse their power in significant ways several times. They forget they are public SERVANTS, not public MASTERS.

    6) You can kiss my ASS.

    7) Sign your name, little girl.

    1. 7. Like you signed yours with a fake internet handle?

  14. 9:26....That's my name and, as a man, not a little anonymous sissy (like you), I stand by what I say.
    Enough cops have scoured social media and all government records to find something to discredit me that you could probably ask the next cop you see who I am and they would know.
    And for the record, as I've said several times before, we NEED the police. I'm GLAD there are men and women willing to do such a thankless job (and I give money to their causes, too).
    I just expect, no, actually DEMAND, that they SET AN EXAMPLE.
    When they don't, I don't have a problem pointing it out.
    If the truth hurts, I'm sorry.
    Some of the things I've seen people with a badge do are straight up power tripping gestapo BS.
    For THAT, THEY should apologize.

    Keep cheering.

  15. That freak is still a male, no matter what costume he puts on. His dna is impossible to change. Therefore he is a male.


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