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Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Viewer Writes....1-21-20


Those on EBT cards must now show they have employment with a W-2 to be issued an EBT cards.

I know a number of people who abuse EBT cards, and am glad this came out on Martin Luther King day.

your daily reader



  1. NO MORE steak shrimp lobster.

  2. Agree 100 percent!!

  3. It’ll never happen.

  4. Frosh will sue the President again

  5. Key words in it are "able bodied". I'd venture a large portion of people on food stamps are also on some form of disability.

  6. Government needs to stop giving them SSI (SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME) immediately. This comes out of Social Security Insurance Fund.

  7. 4:48
    He has already joined the lawsuit. I guess he is mad they are taking away his voters free stuff.

  8. It's about time they did something about the abuse of that system. Skipjacks and Fatboys will suffer but they have already gotten wealthy off of the EBT crowd buying crabs, shrimp and lobster and anything else that working people can't afford.

    1. Don't forget 1 fish 2 fish.

    2. I thought I saw a sign on skipjacks door about not accepting ebt

  9. Acme has to constantly keep security at the front door to stop the EBT MONGERS FROM "BUMPING THEIR STAMPS" Thats just P.N.L.for selling there EBT for cash.

  10. Give me a ebt for a year with a w-2. I have funded theirs for 50 plus years

    Better yet let these leeches eat off Bernie and Joe Bidens fortune for a while

  11. Perpetual bitterness towards the poor while ignoring the crimes of the rich are why you are and will remain politically irrelevant in Maryland.

  12. 12:57 with all the opportunities in this country there is no reason for someone going hungry unless they are just to damn lazy to get off their asses and work!
    you overlook the fact most of these folks are obese!

  13. I could never understand why ppl get so upset about what people buy to eat. They still only have a set amount they can spend, correct? If they buy expensive food they have less money to spend on other things. Not managing their funds very well.

    1. The problem with many of these EBT "consumers" many dont work full time because their benefits will be cut. Its more lucrative for them to stsy at home on section 8 and take a educational class here or there. They buy the most expensive foods while their kids eat Ramen noodlez, Processed frozen dinners n chicken nuggets etc. I have seen it at walmart they buy the kids the cheapest stuff while ordering their seafood from fat boys and skipjacks and how dare the kids ask for it.

  14. 8:30 PM Nice try with your "What difference, at this point, does it make?" attitude. It matters. It all matters. We’re paying for it, and we don’t have the luxury of spending other people’s money. Think about it. People can pay their bills working under the table and live the high life on EBT. How about you give me $25 a week to buy crabs and shrimp? My friends will pitch in their EBT, and we can have an AYCE crab feast once a month on your dime. Sound like a plan?

  15. You didn't lift a finger when the bankers stole billions and trillions came up missing after 9/11. Save your bitterness for the poor chap, I personally don't care if they eat steak and lobster every single night.

    Run on a campaign of punitively punishing them and watch how fast you sit on the sidelines with zero political power whining.

  16. @9:05 You seem to have a vast insight into it. Do you have a lot of friends on food stamps mate? Perhaps you know what YOU used to do?


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