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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Topless Plaintiffs Want Officials Out As Expert Witnesses

OCEAN CITY — Who is best suited to gauge public sensibilities could become the key in the ongoing civil suit challenging Ocean City’s topless ordinance after the plaintiffs in the case last week filed a motion to exclude the town’s elected officials from testifying as witnesses.

Two weeks ago, Ocean City officials filed a motion for summary judgment in the civil suit filed against the resort in 2018 challenging an ordinance that prohibits women from going topless in the same public areas where men are allowed to go shirtless. On the same day, the plaintiffs in the case filed a motion to exclude Mayor Rick Meehan and Council Secretary Mary Knight from testifying as expert witnesses.

From the beginning, Ocean City officials have contended the notion of allowing female toplessness offends the sensibilities of most residents and visitors to the family-oriented resort. In a hearing on the plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary injunction last December, resort officials presented evidence of hundreds of emails, letters and phone calls bearing out that sentiment. Ocean City has contended the Mayor and Council, as leaders and residents of the resort, have an innate understanding of the public’s sensibilities on the topless issue.



  1. No doubt this is brought on by liberal democrats.

    1. I wise man once said "After you've seen one set, you want to see them all"

  2. But they aren't offended by the offensive tshirts hanging out front of all the downtown shops, the drunks pouring out of a bar every 100ft, the constant fights started when rival B-more scumbags run into each other on vacation?
    I can agree with the topless advocates on one point. The elected officials of Ocean City are certainly no experts.

    1. Then you agree with Soros. His non profit is paying for attorneys. Not just in oc but across the country in half the beach towns. Thank you

    2. How is a woman professor from Indiana an expert on the "sensibilities" of those who live, work or visit Ocean City, Maryland? Where is her research, notes, interviews and written papers on 'the sensibilities of those who live, work and visit Ocean City, Maryland'? I am willing to bet none!

    3. soros hasn't even heard of OCMD and don't give a damn about it. Have you actually seen his financial records? Why do you have these stupid thoughts 2:34

  3. Such a shame that these women have no self esteem they have to expose themselves to get noticed. Very sad.

  4. Meehan wouldn't know a nipple if it hit him in the face.

  5. Equal rights, period. Free those puppies!

  6. Down grade women even more. No one will have respect for women walking around topless. Sex object only.

  7. I say no topless women. 1 in 10 will be worth looking at. The other 9 will make you wish you stayed home.


  8. Desperate for attention. It would have been much better if they had taken the $$ they've spent on legal fees and used it to get some therapy.

  9. A Family oriented resort went out the door decades ago. Bars on ever corner and then some with drunks every where. Look at the crime. Who thinks it is a family resort is the ones who wants the government to raise the children and donot accept their family responsibilities.

  10. The problem is not women exposing themselves, the problem will be that when a man checks them out, he will be prosecuted as a potential rapist, pedophile, pervert, etc etc etc.
    I love ta ta’s, but would be very uncomfortable with women hanging them out in public!

  11. Ask yourself what kind of women wants people staring at their bare boobs.

  12. It certainly isn’t a family resort anymore. Just walk down the boardwalk after 9:00 pm. Thugs everywhere. No civility, no respect for anyone. Another example, most all other resort towns in the east are becoming more and more dog friendly. Pets that are considered part of the family. Meehan personally dislikes dogs. Therefore, he consistently advocates against allowing them more access to public or private spaces. As far as shirtless women go, this is 2020. No one will even care after the first season.

    1. There's something mentally wrong with people that don't like dogs.

  13. Has anyone seen these ‘women’? They are most definitely not supermodel material. If something happens where this is permitted, then we will need some legislation about ugly people on the beach....wait.... um, this is OCMD... if we legislated ugly peoples off the beach there would be nobody to pay the parking meters

  14. You got that right 305

  15. were they Topless at the Mayor's Office ??? LOL

  16. One has to see their Topless Top to make a decision !!! LOL LOL

  17. Expert Witnesses should All be Topless !!!!

  18. Sounds like a FUN hearing > TOPLESS !!!!


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