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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Cuomo: Trump Is Fomenting Hate — Now We See It in Hanukkah Attack

On Sunday broadcast of MSNBC’s “Live,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo commented on five people being stabbed in an attack at a synagogue in New York’s Rockland County.

Cuomo said, “We tend to treat these situations as isolated episodes, but really if we just connect the dots, we have a pattern of hate in this nation that is only getting worse. We’ve seen almost weekly attacks on people based on race, color, creed. It’s hate-motivated. Apparently, there was another shooting in Texas today in a church. We’ve seen attacks against African-Americans, Latinos, LGBTQ community. And let’s call it what it is and let government act because this can destroy this nation. It is corrosive. It’s an American cancer.”

He continued, “It starts at the top, and then it goes on to a point where it becomes viral across this nation. And it is now viral. And you see it coming to the surface in different manifestations from coast to coast. And we’re comforted treated it as isolated episodes, but there’s a pattern to all of this, and it spells hate.”



  1. FUNNY that CNN are staying quite about his RACE you know BLACK ISRAELITES Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  2. Nothing like the lies of the hate to try to cover their own actions.

  3. I guess if you can't blame a gun you have to blame the President.

  4. Cuomo has a 2 digit IQ.99 is just enough to get elected but hardly enough to make intelligent decisions.All of us need to be tested before we vote,with an IQ of 100 considered entrance level.

  5. The pattern I see is a FF {false flag} Seems that speech was prepared and waiting. Everyone knows the hate and the lies are coming from corrupt democrats. This kind of violence against citizens would be less if they werent stripped of their rights to self defense there in NY. Photos of these Jews with banned weapons in NY, will cuomo and his badge'd thugs quietly disarm the Jews like the Nazis did?

    1. No they will grab them quietly with red flag laws so it doesnt hit the news. These events have barely been in the news because they cant spin it well enough to fit the narrative.

  6. Identity politics, and extreme partisanship.

    Instead of debating ideas, you demonize a group, then bash them and anything near them relentlessly. It allows their leaders and media to get away with murder.

    Literally murder.

    This poisonous partisanship must end.

    Cuomo is not wrong. Simply review Trumps tweet history and try to deny it. He is not unifying, he is dividing. Us vs them is simpler than having to discuss real substance.

  7. More deflection and lies from earthly voices of the father lies, the luciferians. its them (progresives/ dems)that are planting the evil seeds of ROT. They twist
    EVERYTHING onto their enemies. Accuse enemies of what they have already done themseleves.


  8. Cuomo is really mentally deficient. President's son-in-law is Jewish; so is his daughter and presumptively their kids.

  9. Cuomo, is an idiot just like his father and brother Fredo on CNN. I was at a commencement speech that his father the gov of Ny spoke at during the Reagan Presidency. The old Cuomo was no better, he flew in on a helicopter and basically chastised the students for being successful and told them they had to take care of the less fortunate as well as several barbs against Ronald Reagan as if these students were responsible for a bunch of lazy welfare bums. He didn't get much applause got back in his helicopter and left. My fiance whom just graduated and I didn't have 2 nickles to rub together so i will never forget this asshole

  10. 12pm, Trump hasnt used division concerning wealth, race or religion like your girl and obummer did. Tho he is dividing the good from the evil, pointing out the corrupt...drain the swamp and hang'em high!

  11. More dumbocrat projection.

  12. Oboma is the one along with the dumocrats the divided the country with hate!Brain washed everyone to hate leo around the country! Look in the mirror at your sanctuary city.Reap the seeds you sew.


  13. The 'division' and incitement is coming from the LEFT-- the likes of "Get-in-their-faces" Maxine, the antifa fascists, the leftist 'counter-protesters' that punch people in the face for passing out leaflets they disagree with and destroy their displays.

    Anybody with any sense can see that.

  14. Demon-crats are the ones promoting HATE !!!

  15. They ALWAYS claim others are doing what they themselves are DOING. Surely most people can see that.

  16. Is it just me - have you heard "buss words" used on every channel except FOX. One liners accusing President Trump of some crime in their minds,of course. The same words are repeated on every network. Is there a "common" memo that goes out to each network anchor to use the same headliner? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜

  17. The same words are repeated on every network. Is there a "common" memo that goes out to each network anchor to use the same headliner? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜
    December 31, 2019 at 6:24 AM

    Absolutely and they have been doing it for a long time. There is a video on YouTube where someone recorded different networks, anchors, states, etc., repeating the same news story word for word.

    It's called 'programming' but when it is brought up sometimes there are those who automatically shout 'conspiracy theorists'.

    A very small number of corporations own the media. Six corporations own 90% of news media companies in America.

    News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS and Comcast own 90% of the TV stations, radio stations, movies, magazines and newspapers that 277 million Americans rely on for news and entertainment.

    This was from 2015 so the number might be smaller.

    How many of these owners hate Trump and influence their outlets to reflect this?

  18. Media consolidation has been on a fast march over the last 30 years. In 1983, 50 companies owned 90% of American media. Over that time, Congress and the FCC have largely deregulated the media industry. The number of television stations that one company can own jumped from seven to 12 in 1985. The FCC also stopped enforcing the Fairness Doctrine, it dropped requirements for a minimum amount of non-entertainment programming, and it lifted limits on the amount of advertising that could be broadcast in one hour. Those changes made it easier and more profitable for corporations to own more media properties.
    Then, in 1996, President Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act, which led to rapid consolidation of the radio industry because it lifted a 40-station ownership cap. A 2004 appeals court decision also struck down even more media ownership rules.

  19. It’s been Democrats going after Jews and this only happens in Democrats run cities ... hey maybe Democrats are the problem???

  20. Demon-crats breed the HATE !!! Not Trump

  21. If Obama has taken out the Evil General all would be Great !!!


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