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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sen. Cotton: Trump Should Consider Banning Non-Essential Travel from China

In an interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) said the Trump administration should consider banning all “non-essential travel” from China into the United States given the risks associated with the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in the one-party state.

“Persons infected with coronavirus can transmit it before it [they] are symptomatic, which is very dangerous from an epidemiological standpoint,” said Cotton. Non-symptomatic carriers of the coronavirus would be unidentifiable as threats via screening mechanisms protocols to filter infected persons in the context of international travel.

Cotton determined, “I believe the administration should begin to plan for the prospect of having to suspend all non-essential travel from China to the United States.”



  1. Essential travelers should be quarantined for 2 weeks.

  2. There isn't much business that can't be handled electronically.

  3. Only allow Dems to travel to China.

  4. Let Pelosi & her MANAGERS go to CHINA !!!


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