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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

New York City police commissioner blames new bail reforms for sudden crime spike

The uptick in crime across New York City since the new year began is a direct result of the city's newly implemented bail reform laws, Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said.

“In the first three weeks of this year, we’re seeing significant spikes in crime. So either we forgot how to police New York City, or there’s a correlation,” Shea told reporters Friday. "If you let out individuals that commit a lot of crime, that’s precision policing in reverse, and we’re seeing the effects in a very quick time, and that is why we’re so concerned.”

As of Friday at midnight, robberies in New York City are up 32.5%, car theft is up 61%, and burglaries are up 18% compared with the same time period last year, the New York Post reported.



  1. Amazing they vote for these laws and there POLICE democrat union back the SAME politicians making the LAW ? 🖕THEM.

  2. Ya think??? Duh...a no brainier..let criminals out over and over and crime spikes? Shocking... just shocking..who woulda thunk it?

  3. Yep 2;09 &12:29 As the politicans smile with glee
    Just more need for taxes and more cops jails and courts...concealed carry NATION WIDE..would take a big bite outta crime and shove those tax increase back up the politicans arse.

  4. This is what happens when Soros money gets America hating officials elected in our justice system.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: More stupid Pedomarxist democrat policy. Could it be possible that anyone out there is totally surprised by this situation? God, how I want to just give up and quit reading all of this stupidity and cut myself off from the rest of our society. It is hopeless!


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