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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Report: China Deliberately Spreading Mis-information About Coronavirus

Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other internet powerhouses are scrambling to control the flood of mis-information surrounding the coronavirus, a new and seemingly deadly disease responsible for dozens of deaths in China now spreading to other parts of the globe.

But the Chinese government, it now seems, is working against the tide, spreading mis-information of their own to convince foreign governments and world health officials that they’re efficiently handling the outbreak.

The Daily Beast reports that Chinese state media is tweeting photos of roadblocks, checkpoints, and even a hastily constructed hospital to show it’s “on top of things.”

“People’s Daily, owned by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the most-circulated newspaper in China, and Lijian Zhao, a deputy director of information with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tweeted an image Monday morning of a building they claimed was a hospital in Wuhan, China, the center of the recent coronavirus outbreak,” the Daily Beast reported Tuesday. “The publication and the bureaucrat said enterprising workers in Wuhan had constructed the hospital in just 16 hours.

“In reality, the picture showed an apartment building more than 600 miles away.”



  1. I don't care who you are,ain't nobody building no hospital in 16 hours.Maybe a shed with a bunch beds in it.

  2. I like my Coronavirus with a slice of lime.


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