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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Law Professor: Democrats Are Guessing Trump’s Motives to Turn ‘Legitimate Actions of Government’ into ‘Impeachable Conduct’

Democrats seek to frame President Donald Trump’s “perfectly legitimate” actions as “impeachable conduct” by accusing the president of malicious intent, explained John Yoo, professor of law at the University of California, Berkeley, visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution. He offered his analysis on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight.

Attribution of unverifiable malicious motives to Trump’s conduct is an attempt to criminalize lawful execution of presidential authority, explained Yoo.

“The only thing that really separates for the Democrats what would be perfectly legitimate on its face — asking for the investigation [of Joe Biden in Ukraine], delaying the aid [to Ukraine] a little bit — to something impeachable, the only thing that makes it impeachable is what was in President Trump’s mind when he did it,” said Yoo. “What was his mental state? This is an argument you have seen Democrats make repeatedly against President Trump in things like the travel ban to the wall.”


[This is the very same logic that was used to create "hate" crimes. --Editor]


  1. Then allow the witnesses

  2. And Trumps legal team made thousands in donations to McConnell, Lindsey Grahamn and Romney before the trial began. CORRUPTION. Blatant right in front of our noses.

  3. 12:56

    HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Rediculous!


    Absolutely not! The dumbocrats have NO CASE!
    This whole thing is wasting time!

  4. The ONLY ones to be IMPEACHED should be the damn
    Democrat Congressmen !!!! Traitors & Criminals !!!!

    Time to File those needed cases in 2020 !!!!!

    THEY broke the Law from the Beginning in the HOUSE !!!!!
    The WHOLE damn case should have been Thrown OUT upon
    arrival at the SENATE !!!


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