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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Watch–ICE Director: Bill de Blasio’s Sanctuary Policy ‘Sole Reason’ 92-Year-Old Maria Fuertes Is Dead

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s sanctuary policy is “the sole reason” 92-year-old Maria Fuertes is dead today, Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Matthew Albence says.

Reeaz Khan, a 21-year-old illegal alien from Guyana, was arrested late last week and charged with sexually assaulting and murdering 92-year-old Maria Fuertes by strangling her to death on a sidewalk in Richmond Hill, Queens.

As Breitbart News exclusively reported, Khan first arrived in New York City on a B-2 tourist visa in May 2016 but never departed, overstaying his visa for three years. That violation of federal immigration law makes Khan an illegal alien.

On November 27, the New York Police Department (NYPD) charged Khan with assault and criminal possession of a weapon. ICE agents filed a request that Khan be turned over to them for arrest should he be released from NYPD custody. That request, though, was ignored and police freed him back into the general public.



  1. Eliminate, eliminate, eliminate!

  2. What would YOU do to someone who allowed a killer to rape your mother and break her back doing it?

    It would be war.

    A life DEDICATED to making sure those responsible ALSO found out what it was like to have THEIR mothers raped and killed.

    They live in mansions, surrounded by fences and armed men.
    NONE of that would help.

    MORE democrat BS. Don't build fences. Don't have guns. Don't think the law means anything.

    If YOU were responsible, in any way, for her death, you would be correct in one of those positions -- the law wouldn't mean anything. Because YOU want it that way.
    These loser dumbasses are fast-tracking civil revolt and chaos.

    Good luck.


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