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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Happy birthday Michelle Obama, I've canceled your school lunches! Donald Trump's administration lets schools cut back on fruit and veg and sell MORE pizza and burgers - and serve fries every day

Donald Trump's administration proposed new school lunch guidelines Friday that would undo several changes made by Michelle Obama to get more fruit and veggies on the menu: a move that comes on the former first lady's birthday.

The Department of Agriculture, which oversees the Food and Nutrition Service, said it is proposing new rules 'to simplify meal service and reduce food waste.' That would include 'increasing flexibility in the “vegetable subgroups” requirements for school lunches.'

But the changes would allow schools to cut the amount of vegetables and fruits required at lunch and breakfasts while giving them the ability to offer more pizza, burgers and fries instead.

It would also undo rules championed by Michelle Obama as part of her Let's Move initiative and The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.



  1. 🖕Moofella.

  2. Yeah cause that's healthy... America's kids are already chunkers, they don't need help...

  3. The food waste is phenomenal in local schools and everywhere else. For every cleared (eaten) tray of food, seven go to the landfill or pig farm.

    No, Mrs. Obama, ketchup is neither a fruit or vegetable choice, it's a condiment, like mustard and horseradish, except that it's mostly sugar or corn syrup, as per FDA guidelines. It would be interesting to see The Friends' School menu and the consumed VS. trashed food stats.

  4. What if we let the local school board and PTA's create their own menus? They could even have a local dietitian and nutritionist make recommendations.We need to get the d^#* U$G out of our personal lives.

  5. She should practice what she preaches......fat A$$

  6. I DO push for more greens in meals. I was always taught meat, taters, greens, but looking at frozen dinners, only one brand has greens in it, most just meat and starches which "teaches" our kids that it's an acceptable diet choice which makes everybody fat. Not good at all. Eat green vegetables at EVERY meal@ Fruit for dessert, YAY!

  7. Who are we kidding? The kids are getting fat at home and learning poor eating habits at home. Give the kids the option to eat healthy, but if they don't want it, don't force it on them. It will just end up in the garbage. Remove the things that are horrible for them (like candy, soda, cupcakes, chips, etc...). You don't have to serve French fries everyday. Sometimes mashed potatoes. What's wrong with burgers? Sandwiches? Pizza? Are they ideal? No, but, it does contain some nutritional value and the kids will eat it. The kids have too many options on the menu, keep it simple. For instance, if they don't like the warm entrée; salads, sandwiches, warm veggies, and pizza will always be available. Whatever happened to the bag lunch from home anyway?

  8. why don`t we let the parents feed their own damn kids by sending them a lunch to eat that way the parents can decide for themselves what they want their kid to eat, instead of the parents telling the tax payers that we have to feed THEIR kids and telling the tax payers what we have to feed THEIR kids and how much we have to pay to do it.in other words, be an adult and feed your own damn kids!!!

  9. @4:14 When you mandate by law my child attend your indoctrination centers, Mr Taxpayer, you foot the bill for hosting them.


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