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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

New racist vandalism at Fulton Hall results in student protest (11-10-19)

The Fulton School of Liberal Arts at Salisbury University has been vandalized by racist and violent writings for the fourth time this semester.

The writings specifically target African American students and women. The most recent one escalated to violence and mentioned the Sandy Hook Massacre.

The writings were all found in stairwells that have no cameras.

This is the fourth time Fulton Hall has been vandalized, and the Salisbury University Police Department has not found the person or persons responsible.

SU students gathered yesterday outside Fulton Hall to protest and demand action from the administration in response to this repeated vandalism.



  1. BS!! Check the black students who are crying out the loudest. Same old race baiting SU black students

    1. Exactly. Like it hasn't been done before. Look at ALL the blacks in Salisbury and Salisbury University?? Besides. All the White's in Salisbury and Salisbury University LOVE BLACK FOLK. THEIR CALLED LIBUTARDS. CASE CLOSED!!

    2. 917 when you call people names like LIBUTARD you sound like a sad, weak, scared mental midget. It’s sad, really...

    3. Truth hurts your feelings little one?? Scared mental midget??lol listen?? Jake Day is calling you. He wants his ass kissed. Lol

    4. 510 I’m sorry you are so miserable and hope whatever is going on with you gets better. I hope you have a nice day.

    5. 5:10- let the anger go. It’s bad for the soul

  2. Ya, and when they do find the persons and it turns out to be black students, it will be swept under the rug like the black girls and the noose.

  3. I'd bet literally anything that this is just another hate crime hoax. Thats what all of these across the country turn out to be.

  4. I'd bet my bottom dollar the perps are either black or leftist freaks.

  5. Consistent with the liberal belief system at SU, we need to examine why someone would do this. Maybe they are feeling marginalized by a bunch of thugs with dark skin. Maybe the abhorrent personal behavior and repulsive language used by African Americans on campus is threatening to decent students there paying for their education. Maybe SU should look at the systemic RACISM and discrimination toward whites that is prevalent in the SU black community on campus and address those problems. No. They don’t have the balls.

  6. I predict it will be exposed as a hoax by Friday

  7. The fourth time a hate hoax has been perpetrated.

    Put up cameras, that’ll put a stop to it.

  8. We all know where these all too often eventually lead.

  9. Black students connected in SU racist drawing. This was a the headline in the April 28,2016, Daily Times when an identical incident to what we’re talking about today happened at SU. I bet the same has occurred recently.

  10. Correct 831, and then all will be silent and issue no apologies for feeling so unwelcome or unsafe and only feeling comfortable around people who “look like them”. The last time this happened, in a library on campus should be enough said.

  11. Probably another writing by a black student just trying to stir the pot like before!

  12. And with all of your police state surveillance, and cameras every damn place, funny how they can;t seem to find or catch these people... But they can sure send you a ticket quick fast and in a hurry, when you run a red light or a toll or anything else... Think about that for a second!!!!

    Still think cops are here to protect and serve you???

    1. No, as I read a little while back, law enforcement officers are to protect the government from the people

  13. How much you want to bet this is just like the noose situation a couple years back? We eventually found out the perpetrators were Black, trying to start social unrest at the college. By the way, neither girl got expelled or their federal aid yanked. They were able to stay at SU unscathed.

  14. How about installing a camera?

    1. Oh please. That’s common sense to install cameras. Since when has SU ever demonstrated a panache for common sense? No, they’d rather sit around in a bitch circle and lament about how victimized they “feel” bc after all, that’s so much more productive. Being defense is always easier than offense. The latter you actually have to work and spend money. No poor pitiful pearls in that group.

    2. The SU Administration never renders any punitive action so the kids do whatever they want, with the exception of smoking cigarettes or vaping on campus. After all, those be high treason crimes verses trying to incite a race riot.

  15. Racist vandalism is much worse than non-racist vandalism

    1. Yes, because people might see a word they don’t like. Or that they love so much that they say it all the time themselves.

  16. Isn't it so wonderful how Obama fundamentally changed this country. we are now more divided than we have ever been

    1. Done on purpose... SOROS.

    2. To control the people, you must divide and conquer.

  17. No video surveillance in the stairwell says that other crimes, more personal ones, could take place there, too.

  18. These events always turn out the same. Usually the "victim" is actually the perp. Everyone screamed for years for cops to wear body cams and now criminals are asking that the tapes be inadmissible because it shows the cop's side of the story to be accurate. This is just another hate crime hoax. It's really sad that a "victim" group now needs to create their own oppression

  19. And in the administrations infinite wisdom, they publicly stated that cameras will be put there now! How about, give an answer that diverts away from question so the news media doesn’t post that cameras WILL be put in that location. Rather, silently put in covert cameras without having it blasted throughout the media and wait for the repeat offender to do it a fifth time... but that would be the SMART way to approach it. Instead you tip your hand to the unidentified offender!

  20. It was the two guys in Maga hats

  21. Bottom line, they don't want it happening again and to assuage the anxieties of the public and students. However, cameras can't be everywhere. The next offensive graffiti is likely to be on the inside of stall doors in the ladies' rooms.

  22. Northwest Woodsman: Wow! Here we go again! How is integration working out for you? Been pushed for more years than I can recall and since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, my observations in all facets of life reveal that things have not gone as hoped and unintended adverse consequences have been the result. Mere facts again and those of you who are, do not have a right not to be offended. Facts seem to always seem to be inconvenient to Marxist democrats.

    1. Integration, like multi-culfuralism, is an abject failure.

  23. Northwest Woodsman : Would someone enumerate the successes of forced integration over the last fifty some years. I really would like to hear at least a few if there actually have been any. As I have observed, multiculturalism and affirmative action have been abject failures and those can easily be enumerated.

  24. Snowflakes in meltdown mode, good grief! Do you know how many times people have written things in bathroom stalls and everywhere else back when I high school (many moons ago). No one gave a rats ass, there is always immature people writing stupid stuff. These idiots are no ready for the real world.

    anyhow.... this will prove to be a hoax in 3...2...1
    then it will go silent !

  25. Supposed to have cameras in all Dorms and hallways. Over 600 cameras on Campus. Security is monitored by students and not Campus Police. Check the cameras and you might find it is a gang member that is at SU.

  26. I was going to comment that the perpetrator was an A.A. just like before but 28 comments before me beat me to it.

    1. I know what you mean. Must be a Jessie Smolett family member.

  27. It's a hate crime, but in reverse..........the blacks are doing it and blaming the whites or white supremsist as they are now called.

  28. I don't believe it and I really don't care, as it stands right now.

    When they find and convict someone for this, then maybe. Too much fake news, hoaxes, scams, misinformation, etc. for me to get worked up. I looked this type of thing up on the internet the other day and if memory serves, at least 45% of these 'incidents' are fake.

    Time will tell but...


  30. The administration needs to make an example out of those caught committing these ridiculous hoaxes. Name and shame them. Expel them, no refund.

  31. As in most cases these days “how sad” this was done by a black student I know personally and for the record I’m
    Black as well and I’m appalled. If they don’t come forward I may have to release the name

  32. They make the writings themselves discover it themselves report it hold a protest and demand special treatment from the school it threaten more protests and disruption. It’s extortion and these students should be held accountable

    1. It’s the Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson guide to race extortion...

  33. 7:47 You need to put the truth out there if you do know because you never know when enough is enough and people start reacting more appropriately!

  34. 7:47 - if what you say is true, you have an obligation to report it. Not doing so just perpetuates the hurt, and may eventually explode into a real dangerous situation.

    1. He knows who he is and needs to do the right thing or I will

  35. After just watching the Popeye's video where a large black man slams a white woman to the concrete I could care less about some BS "words written on a wall." You don't hear any of these racists calling out the black guy. They double charged her and when she called them she was told to go there and get a refund. As you can see by the video MOST of the employees are black and acting like animals as they usually do. Have no sympathy for some BS words on a wall. Painted by a black as usual. Until they act like civilized people rather than animals I refuse to care. They certainly don't care. THIS is why we would rather get away from you people Michelle.

  36. This nonsense happens every year and quite frankly is getting old. The blacks have gained the sympathy of ALL the local white
    socialist idiots so go cry a river somewhere people actually fall this cry out for attention

  37. I love the girl with the sign that says "Out of 11,000 students only 952 are Black. Where is the diversity?"
    Possible responses:
    1. You are only 17 Black students short of having the same percentage as the general population.
    2. The diversity is 20 minutes away at UMES where 77.4% of the students are Black not by assignment but by choice.
    3. Where is the diversity? In the biowaste bin at Planned Parenthood.

    1. Where’s the diversity at UMES ???? 13 percent graduation rate

    2. You should see the employees. They get their masters degree and PhD. But they NEVER leave UMES. WHY?? WE KNOW.

  38. Race hustlers just like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson

  39. Every case of this happening in the last 30 years was a false flag

  40. Whatever is going on...very sad.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Truth hurts your feelings little one?? Scared mental midget??lol listen?? Jake Day is calling you. He wants his ass kissed. Lol

    November 10, 2019 at 5:10 PM

    Bwahahaha! Mental Midget. Jake Jake is calling you. That is funny as Hell. Be careful, Jake Day's mental midgets get offended very easily.

  42. Anonymous said...
    The fourth time a hate hoax has been perpetrated.

    Put up cameras, that’ll put a stop to it.

    November 6, 2019 at 8:28 AM

    Those dumbasses put up Post It notes instead.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Racist vandalism is much worse than non-racist vandalism

    November 6, 2019 at 8:53 AM

    Oh Really, Snowflake? Why?

  44. Anonymous said...
    Isn't it so wonderful how Obama fundamentally changed this country. we are now more divided than we have ever been

    November 6, 2019 at 9:05 AM

    He set this country back 50 years and it has gotten worse.

  45. Does anyone know what they demanded the last couple times this “happened”? What was their reward for their hate hoax?

    Did they get another building renamed? More $$ for Ji—oo Day? Mandatory anti-white “training”?

    These “concessions” they’ve extorted need to be revoked when these are discovered (inevitably) to be lies. The perpetrators publicly identified and immediately expelled.

    1. They wanted free college and less White students and white free zones

  46. Done by another minority....again!

  47. Lashly is a bought man, he will do what babs tells him to do.

    1. Speaking of racists he’s the biggest one at SU

  48. 12:21 is that the glory ngwe that played in hair spray from Cheltenham Md ?


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