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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Jussie Smollett is probably toast now that Google is handing his data to the special prosecutor

Actor Jussie Smollett, aka "the gay Tupac," almost certainly lied about the assault he claims he experienced last year. A new order from a judge in Chicago will likely prove it once and for all.

Cook County Judge Michael Toomin, who appointed a special prosecutor to look into the case, is requiring Google to turn over a year's worth of Smollett's emails, location data, and messages. He's also ordered the same for Smollett's manager, a witness to the alleged hate crime, wherein Smollett says he was jumped early one morning by two men who confronted him with racist, anti-gay, and pro-Trump comments before beating him.

The Chicago Tribune reported last week that the court orders include that Google hand over "drafted and deleted messages; any files in their Google Drive cloud storage services; any Google Voice texts, calls and contacts; search and web browsing history."



  1. She should get the beating she deserves

  2. Bet she googled a lot of gay porn...

  3. Smullet is an intelligence asset.
    Google was created by the CIA and DARPA.

    Therefore, no need for Smullet to worry

  4. This drama queen wasn't satisfied to be on a TV show he wanted more to get his 15 min of fame anyway he could even fabricating a hate crime. He played into blatant racism and fake news not caring who he hurt, while white people are always called out as racist few black people are ever singled out for the same thing. He set back race relations in this country and should serve hard time behind a cell. Everyone should be careful of their words and actions that means all regardless of sex, race, or creed. We need to mend relations as Americans and set good examples. God direct us all.

  5. But the charges were dropped. Smollett is off the hook.

  6. You won't see those court results on CNN.

  7. the gay tupac.

    That's hilarious!

    Tupac woulda put whatcha call a cap in his ace. Bi**h slapped him first, too.

    He ain't even good enough to have tied Tupac's do-rag.

    Why this boy is not in prison for falsely reporting a crime and staging a fake crime is beyond me.

    Keep cheering.


  8. Biggest Loser!

    Hope he's guest of the Feds for years to come.

  9. I bet a lot of people are in panic mode. Some how I think over lords will delete anything involving the oracle that use to be in the White House...

  10. Same as Epstein and the most recent Clinton investigation, justice will not be served. It's a shame too because he would take down multiple Congresspeople with him.

  11. 4:40, charges were dropped yes, but he can still be charged.

  12. Suicide watch for someone in 3, 2, 1


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