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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ex-Treasury employee pleads guilty to leaking Trump team info

A former top Treasury Department official pleaded guilty Monday to conspiracy for leaking confidential banking reports associated with members of the Trump campaign, following her dramatic arrest in October 2018 as she toted a flash drive full of sensitive documents.

Natalie Edwards, 41, entered the plea in Manhattan federal court, where U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods set sentencing for June 9. Although the conspiracy charge carried a potential penalty of up to five years in prison, Edwards signed a plea deal with prosecutors that recommended a potential prison sentence of zero to six months.

Edwards was a senior adviser at Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, also known as FinCEN. Prosecutors said her crime began in October 2017 and continued for a year, with Edwards sending a BuzzFeed News reporter numerous Suspicious Activity Reports (“SARs”). Banks must file SARs with the Treasury Department when they spot transactions raising questions about possible financial misconduct such as money laundering, but federal law strictly limited their disclosure.



  1. Zero to six months?

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Another of the Pedomarxist democrats hiding in President Trump’s wood pile trying to subvert his every move. I can’t think of any other elected official who is so persistent and effective in the face of such virulent opposition. It is obvious that the Pedomarxist democrats clearly are going crazy because all their unfounded allegations bounce off his Teflon suit.

  3. I certainly hope that it is six-months with five-years probation. I would enjoy seeing this creep violate her probation and get the remainder in the clink.

  4. 12:51.....
    You or I ("We, the people"), would already be in jail for running a crime scheme for a year (!!). It wasn't a one-time mistake, it was deliberate and designed to damage an elected figure she didn't like.
    Zero to six months?? I'm betting on ZERO, for Two Sets of Laws is involved here.

    Keep cheering.

  5. Zero to 6?!?! What a joke.


  6. I wonder if Mr. Trump can file a civil suit against her if she just gets a slap on the wrist.

    Anyone know?

  7. The lesson here is that if you are arrested for murder, just tell the judge that you are a Democrat and you will get probation!

  8. Keep cheering about what ???


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