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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Another Teacher Assaulted At Bennett Middle School (12-1-19)

Yesterday another teacher was assaulted and sent to the Hospital after being taken away in an ambulance. This was an assistant teacher. Interesting how this information has been covered up. What say you Board of Education?


  1. What is also interesting that the Superintendent stated in a Press Conference after the Parkside incident where ambulances were dispatched for 4 patients that were assaulted and 3 were transported to the ER, Dr. Hanlin said you parents were oversensationalizing it on Social Media. They just went to be checked out as a precaution.

    She also stated that she had been meeting with Mary Beth Carozza and others from the Delegation. Well I asked around and they said they hadn't met with Dr. Hanlin. Why wasn't the County Executive and County Council included in those so called meetings? Why wasn't any Board of Ed. members included in that press conference? She didn't invite them because they work for her.

    Dr. Hanlin also stated she was going to hire an outside source to tell her what is needed to change the school climate? So who is going to pay for that study?

    1. "Hire an outside source..." !!
      What in the hell are we paying her a million dollar salary for? To hire an outside source? It was an outside source that put the school system into the shape it is now! Time for Hanlin to resign. We could pay someone $125,000 a year to hire outside sources to run the schools. And guess who gets to pay for this outside source? All the millions the people at the board of education are paid as professionals and they can't brain storm solutions? They all need to go, we have overpaid idiots there. They have employed the Peter Principal there it would appear...one advances to the point that they can not do the job (become incompetent) and there they stay because it is a government job! It would appear Hanlin has reached the point she can not do the job she was hired to do so she is going to hire people to tell her how to do her job, or am I mistaken?

  2. She is full of lies, time for her to go

  3. Well when our community leaders and BOE become more concerned about votes instead of safety. LIFE HAPPENS. They will wait until an elderly teacher gets dead from an induced medical condition. It's coming. I would Sue EVERY SOB INVOLVED.

  4. Why do we continue to allow this failing education system to continue???


  5. School vouchers will pay

  6. Mr Culver and the County counsel. Please start working together. As of the last televised counsel meeting you all are not. Stop approving supervisor positions at the Sheriffs Office. THEY ARE NOT NEEDED. Please approve more deputies for schools. Thank you for your time and attention.

  7. Boycott schools in wicomico county until they can provide a safe learning environment for students and teachers

    1. Um, you do realize that “boycotting” the school district isn’t a viable solution, right? There are legal requirements parents must meet ( compulsory education) either in public or private schools ( or homeschooling ). That said, if you don’t like what you see in the public schools, you can pick homeschooling, private education, or go to board meetings and speak up on a consistent basis and advocate for something better. Making inane comments anonymously from your keyboard isn’t a solution.

    2. A massive display of unity by the parents in the community will put pressure on the BOE to take meaningful actions. Our tax dollars are spent in these failing schools so I not only have a financial interest but have children in the system. Ignoring the problem has gotten the system to this point. You sound like a BOE employee or an excuse making loser

    3. I am neither, but considering the issues, no one will turn out en masse to do anything. It’s a shore thing - everyone complains and does nothing.

  8. Vouchers are fine but they would only rescue a small handful of students.Fix the damn problem.

  9. I am totally for school choice but how in the hell is a voucher going to help? Fruitland and Westside, probably the best in the county, are only so big. The problem is very simple, education should be treated as a privilege. If you can play by the rules you are out. We need a "Joe Clark" type superintendent. The inability to remove disruptive kids is the entire problem. This is a system problem not an education problem. I could fix it in a week but there would be a lot of pissed off parents who cant go to work because they failed to teach their child respect, manners, and how to act in public

  10. Yep, everyone wants vouchers, but consider this: a great many private and Christian schools interview perspective students and their families prior to accepting a student into a school. Just because you get a voucher, there is no guarantee your child gets in. Imagine this: student x applies Salisbury Christian school and successfully is admitted. Unfortunately student x has significant behavioral and mental health issues (as does the family), and after a short time is expelled from SCS. What happens next? Well, the money is pro rated and returned (in some cases) and the parents get to try again, but now they have less dollars to apply. No what? Eventually they end up back in public ed, as private schools will in no way put up with behavior issues. Now, student x is back at a public school, and right where they started, and the public school does not get any money at all. What do you suppose happens then?

    1. Student x gets home schooled by his mama. And when she sees how disrespectful student x is maybe she whoops their a$$

  11. it aint just hanlan, the whole administration is corrupt! from the head to the board and on down! remove hanlan and get briggs, another waste of do nothing, but collect a paycheck political hack! time for some good old fashioned ass whooping!
    so glad my kids are out of these non mental institutions!

  12. throw the sob students in jail. Maybe a lesson will be learned. Part of the problem is that they are GETTING AWAY with it.

    1. You are so right. We all know WHAT students are doing it.

    2. kids need a good azz WHIPPING

      you bust a few....the rest fall in line

  13. No additional money for the schools. Every year they demand more and more. Time to expand the juvenile detention facilities. There is an unused facility out on Nanticoke Road for kid thugs.

    1. I agree, why are these thugs not charged and held accountabe.

  14. You can't fix stupid. And that's what public education is, here and everywhere.

  15. I am a teacher. Money is not the issue. Failure to remove the disruptions from the schools is the major factor. They allow dangerous youths to roam our halls because they have the "right" to a free public education. The teachers then have to try and teach around the disruptions with less success each year.

  16. What ever happened to the old time REFORM SCHOOLS?

  17. 9:06 you are absolutely correct. Simply stated, not complicated. Conduct yourselves properly and you have the opportunity to receive a free education. Without conducting yourselves properly then the opportunity is not available. Yes, they have a "right" to a free and safe education just as teachers have a "right" to a safe working environment.

  18. Time to start putting jail cells in the schools I guess. Those roaming the halls causing disruptions need to be locked up daily so they can learn their a,b,c's, then maybe graduate by the time they are 30 years of age. Special door for them to enter school, directly into the cell, no excuses. They want to act like animals then they need to be treated like them.

  19. It’s the Obama era rules that force them to leave these students in school , prison is where they’ll ultimately end up but why do the rest of our kids be forced to suffer. These criminal students are causing trauma to other students and even PTSD

  20. I agree with a student boycott walk away from school for one day to get the attention and if that doesn’t work take a week

  21. This crap might stop if teachers are allowed to beat the little beggars ass again like they did when I was in school !

    1. Unfortunately many of these aren’t “little”, they are hulking thugs. Some of the 12 year olds get to be pushing 6ft or more. Plenty of 19 and 20 year old men in those schools too.

  22. Nothing is going to change until, YOU, the parents ban together and march on them and DEMAND action be taken. They are not going to do anything about those thugs until you do.

    1. It’s the parents who need to change first!
      Teach children to respect themselves, they, the parents and adults especially teachers!
      I sub and there’s no respect even for each other!!

  23. 7:28 IF the Public Schools are NOT providing a safe environment for teachers and students; parents should absolutely keep their children OUT of these schools until they do...IF parents want to teach their children at home; they CAN do this as there are many ways to receive a great education on line...

  24. SO when we arm teachers do you not think they will go after their guns if they do not have already?

  25. They can exercise their "right" to a free education by being a good student or they choose can choose not to be a student at all. If you don't want to be there then don't be there. Get out. Where you choose to go is not the board of education's problem. Act right or get the hell out. Maybe these little peter heads will move out to area 51.

  26. I don't believe there are any written rules stopping schools from enforcing discipline. It's all bs liberal pandering. Is some cases it's tied to federal money, but that's bs too. If you added up all the local money plus the state and federal money the schools receive you'd be amazed at how much is wasted.

    1. Hanlin's pay is way too much for the results we as taxpayers are getting. By outsourcing she is admitting she can't do the job she has been hired to do!

  27. 9:32 unfortunately the many times I've attended the boe meetings and others. I only see a handful of concerned parents there. Well no more cause my kid is outta these dysfunctional dystopian institutions! and that's exactly what they are! Glad they had a good upbringing to survive in this messed up world the libs have perpetrated upon us!

  28. Beat their Asses and when they are done Beat the parents Asses for not raising their kids properly. Caucasian children and African American Children line them all up and beat them.Stop babying everyone that is what is wrong with society today.

    1. Liberals would rather give them a trophy for participation! (sic)

  29. 9:06 is correct. I am a teacher as well. FAPE forces us to teach all of them. Counties do not have enough money to send these student to RTC facilities all over the state.

  30. We need a school system based on the HBCU model. Let's take some of our existing schools and make them African American Academies. The volunteer only schools would have minority staff and involvement of the NAACP. Parents could send their children to these schools or go to their school in their district. Of course, some redistricting would be needed to allow for the schools which would become AAAs. Before one criticizes, look @ the outcome for the children who don't come to the academies. Also, for the ones going to the AAAs, staff would be more likely to understand "cultural differences."

  31. These kids are being raised by wild Hyeinias,This started at home

  32. When teacher's hands are tied , what do you expect ??
    Pull ALL Radar cops Off the road & make them work at
    the schools > Problem Solved !

  33. Where is the Salisbury chief of Police

  34. Charter schools! Parents have to be involved in their child’s education and they are publicly funded schools! Parent involvement is key in education!

  35. I would not give the administrators a dime in a raise this year or next until they do something that shows results in conduct that are provable. They have no inspiration to do their job. Not a dime!

    1. So what do you suggest? The building level administrators have only the authority to suspend, but the suspensions are routinely overturned. The fact is that so many children, and a startling amount of very young children, are totally out of control. Both the teachers and school based administrators can do nothing at all for fear of lawsuits and reverse racism.

  36. More Cops in Schools > Solved

  37. More Deputy Dogs in schools !!!

  38. insanity doing the same thing and expecting different results.

  39. Yep that is why my kids are not in Wicomico which is sad because I am from here. There is just to much disrespect from the top down. A deep routed problem that has been going on for years

  40. Anonymous said...
    Where is the Salisbury chief of Police

    November 26, 2019 at 6:04 PM

    Ummm... This may come as a surprise to idiots but Bennett Middle School is a County School. And it is in Fruitland, not Salisbury.

  41. If you live in District 2, there will be special election for you to vote for your county council person. You must get registered if you are not and show up to vote for Nicole Acle.

  42. It going to be ok, they have set up a small task force to talk about what is going on. They should include a student representative from each school along with a teacher. Since they are the obvious ones being affected by the negligence of the administrators. THEN, they should follow the rules already in place for violence in the schools.

  43. Get the Super Sheriff to Solve it !!!

    1. I heard he’s planning on removing violent students very soon hopefully that’s true

    2. @201 i wouldnt hold my breath

  44. Sounds like the teachers need to quit pissing off the students. LOL.

  45. Start kicking some ass & this will stop !!! Like Old School !!

  46. What all schools need is prayer because prayer changes things and reveals answers that we may not have thought of.

    There are strategies from Heaven that will work...pray that those in positions of responsibility will hear from Heaven and have the wisdom and courage to implement them.

    Haters...don't hate on me for this suggestion...lol


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