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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A Viewer Writes.........Parkside High School (12-1-19)

When the story was publicly announced about Johnathan Eure, from Parkside High School, was released I thought his alleged relationship with a student was the whole story, which in itself is
HORRIBLE ! However, there is a HUGE coincidence or that wasn’t the end of the story. Students from Parkside have been saying there is 3 other employees at Parkside that have also been out / absent since the release of Mr. Eure’s alleged relations with a student . COINCEDENCE ??? The 3 other employees have not been back to Parkside since. My understanding of these possible truths are very disturbing to me. I have been told that 1 female math teacher, 1 female special education teacher, and 1 female teachers aide from Parkside have all been absent following Mr. Eure’s allegations. I looked on Parkside’s staff directory today and the 3 women are no longer in the directory. Hmmm…. VERY DISTURBING !

I saw on WBOC news the other night the poor communication the Superintendent gave us about the schools. Can she speak without reading her notes ? She continuously had to look down at her written speech, as she always does, and very seldom have I seen her look eye to eye with reporters. For no more information than she gives us you would think she could speak better. WE the parents NEED to be notified when allegations, truths, or information otherwise involving our school community is circling amongst our parents and students to better help OUR children ! How do we help our children if we are in the dark ?? The better the communication, better leadership, and better overall performance from our school board the better our community will be !

So, again I ask, Is the 3 MIA employees, other than Mr. Eure, from Parkside just a coincidence or is this information tangled up with the horrible alleged relationship with a student and Mr. Eure ???

Anonymous Parent


  1. Board Of Ed!!!!!!!!!
    NEW superintendent!
    Not her pick of Rick Briggs either!
    Your community is begging you all to do something before a tragedy happens.
    Ask Sheriff Mike A Lewis not to create another SUPERVISOR posistion at the Sheriffs Office and place another deputy in schools. Actually demand it! You pay for the SRO'S believe me you have weight use it. It's time for significant change in leadership.

  2. Wicomico County Schools = Cover ups

    1. 100% true. Why dont these teachers care that adults were having sex with students?

  3. Maybe factorization? Maybe a jealous husband hired a private detective? Maybe the detective stumbled across this young girl, who may have graduated by the time this information was uncovered. Then he "husband" took the information to the police becuase a minor was involved, and his pride was crushed. Since the teachers didnt commit a crime, theres no legal obligation to tell the public about why their no longer employed. I dont know what happened im just having a little fun. Maybe im right, maybe im wrong. Either way it makes a great episode of "Madlock" Gm

  4. I am not sure why there are additional vacancies at Parkside but I would bet there is an "Administrative Process" being carried out to determine employees conduct and disciplinary actions.
    As an employee of a school system, they are subjected to a higher level of scrutiny & legal culpability than the average citizen. If they heard rumors or suspected child abuse was occurring and did not immediately report them, they maybe disciplined or fired. Even if they were not involved in the abuse in anyway.
    The County/BOE can not disclose or discuss employee H.R. actions without risking litigation. After the trial they may comment but not before. No trial, no comment. I'm sure most people will understand this.

  5. My child had the math teacher. The rumor is, and this is strictly a rumor, that she was aware of the ongoing actions and did not report it.

  6. His live in, long time girlfriend, who is also a teacher in this county, was aware of an incident, however she was not put on leave.

    1. Isn't she the one who reported it?

    2. Haha Haha um not quite so!

    3. She's got her own skeletons,several of them!

    4. Please identify these other 3 teachers so they can be charged and pressure put on the school

  7. 8:12
    You got it! TWO more supervisors added at the Sheriffs Dept. And come July 1 you bet he will ask for them to be permanent positions. But only three cops working patrol at a time. Rome is falling fast.

  8. 8:52am You have no clue what you are talking about. Look at Bennett High School and the Guidance Counselor. The principle knew about the on going abuse and never reported it. She and others that knew were never charged or lost their jobs!!

    For those that are starting to see the REAL snake in the grass Lewis is. WOW, thanks for finally waking up. This Sheriff is all about himself and could care less about the schools or the community. It's all about the TV cameras and the next time he can be on FOX News. One day everyone will see.

    1. Incorrect about the Principal / do a case search : she has significant legal issues now


    1. or Bob Wison 158pm
      aka BABE for Sheriff

      no nonsense. ..no favorites....

      no extended vacations on Tax Payers dime like Little Lewis does

  10. 1:25. You are so lost. The principle at Bennett has a trial scheduled for 12/12/2019 regarding this exact situation. Look it up on the case search, name is Amy Eskridge. Mike Lewis is a good guy. He has to carry himself professional and smiling, but you have no idea what he has to carry regarding what is going on in our community. He may not have all the answers, but I don't know of one actual single person who does, and he does a damn fine job, and serves our community, and in the process avoids the negativity of schleppies like you who he chooses not to argue with, but focus his energy on what is best for our community.

    1. Mike Lewis is a criminal himself. Look into the cover up he created for his good buddy when his buddies wife died under extremely curious circumstances. COVER UP. Small town police COVER UP. Funny thing is, all parties think it is long forgotten about but these things have a way of being unearthed. And Mike Lewis is a LIAR. Do some research into a case that went to the MD Court of Appeals a couple years back...Court of Appeals threw out a conviction that Lewis and the SA and local CC Judge were in cahoots on....DUMBA$$ Lewis proposed to be able to SMELL cocaine concealed within a vehicle. Not with a deputy canine, but of his old good ole nose. IMPOSSIBLE. Court of Appeals overturned the conviction and in its written findings indicated he was a LIAR. Read it folks! Anyone who believes themselves to be of such caliber that they thumb their noses at procedural law is a danger to every citizen given varying circumstances. It's a mindset. And he has it..watch his actions, his affect, and listen to his words. Scary.

  11. 2:10
    You’re clueless. Ask any Deputy what they think.

  12. Funny how Briggs is in charge. Wasn’t he disciplined and transferred from Bennett to Mardela because he was caught having an extramarital affair with another BOE member ON SCHOOL PROPERTY? That’s a FACT. Look it up. Basically, the fox is guarding the hen house.

    1. This is sadly true. I work there and witnessed the disgusting flirtation and unprofessional actions.

    2. Must be nice to be able to have sex on school property and still get promoted to assistant superintendent. Ridiculous.

  13. Briggs has a brother who is a VP in the county who is known by everyone who works in secondary to be the biggest sexually harassing creep in administration. Good old boy systems are a long standing tradition in this county.

    1. I work with him and he's never been anything but professional.

  14. so much outrage, for now. 2-3 weeks, if that, it will be forgotten. You can vent all you like on here but until YOU actually follow thru and demand action nothing will be done, per usual.

    Prove me wrong. Someone, anyone, hold them accountable.

  15. Lee Stevens has a bear rug in his living room. The bear isn’t dead, it’s just too afraid to move. LEE STEVENS for SHERIFF!!!

  16. All 3 employees knew about the affair between student and teacher and none reported it. Now they have been paid for a free extended leave while "the investigation " continues. Substitutes are being paid on top of that to take their place. Your tax $$$ at work people!

  17. Lee Stevens once shot down a German fighter plane with one finger by pointing and yelling “bang!” LEE STEVENS for SHERIFF!!!!!!

    1. Wow, he must have registered hands

  18. Lee Stevens is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.


  19. Lee Stevens can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass.....at night.


  20. "WE the parents NEED to be notified when allegations, truths, or information otherwise involving our school community is circling amongst our parents and students to better help OUR children !"

    I've been complaining about this very issue for the past 10 years under Dr. Fredericksen and Dr. Hanlin and it hasn't changed yet. As long as they keep parents and the public in the dark they can get away with all of their crimes and corruption.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Board Of Ed!!!!!!!!!
    NEW superintendent!
    Not her pick of Rick Briggs either!
    Your community is begging you all to do something before a tragedy happens.
    Ask Sheriff Mike A Lewis not to create another SUPERVISOR posistion at the Sheriffs Office and place another deputy in schools. Actually demand it! You pay for the SRO'S believe me you have weight use it. It's time for significant change in leadership.

    November 25, 2019 at 8:12 AM

    I go to as many BOE meetings and County Council meetings as I can and watch streaming of the ones that I can't attend and I haven't seen you at any of these meetings complaining about this same issue. Until people like you start rounding up supporters and speaking out pubically it isn't going to happen. Using this blog is great to get information out there but the BOE and Dr. Hanlin ignores it.

  22. Anonymous said...
    8:52am You have no clue what you are talking about. Look at Bennett High School and the Guidance Counselor. The principle knew about the on going abuse and never reported it. She and others that knew were never charged or lost their jobs!!

    For those that are starting to see the REAL snake in the grass Lewis is. WOW, thanks for finally waking up. This Sheriff is all about himself and could care less about the schools or the community. It's all about the TV cameras and the next time he can be on FOX News. One day everyone will see.

    November 25, 2019 at 1:25 PM

    I've come to realize how much Mr. Conservative Mike Lewis really is when I watched him endorse the Democrat Socialist Jake Day for Mare over the Republican candidate. Maybe Mike Lewis was making a statement about his hatred for Joe Albero by endorsing the Socialist because Joe supported Wayne King. Either way I am going to work hard to pressure the Republican Central Committee to find another candidate to run against Mike Lewis before the 2022 election. If Mr. Conservative Mike Lewis can endorse a Socialist then maybe we as conservatives can throw our support to a Democrat candidate for sheriff. Ernie Leatherbury is looking better all the time. Buh Bye Felicia!

  23. Anonymous said...

    November 25, 2019 at 1:58 PM

    Oh God, here we go with that Lee Stevens crap again. Who is Lee Stevens?

  24. Anonymous said...
    1:25. You are so lost. The principle at Bennett has a trial scheduled for 12/12/2019 regarding this exact situation. Look it up on the case search, name is Amy Eskridge. Mike Lewis is a good guy. He has to carry himself professional and smiling, but you have no idea what he has to carry regarding what is going on in our community. He may not have all the answers, but I don't know of one actual single person who does, and he does a damn fine job, and serves our community, and in the process avoids the negativity of schleppies like you who he chooses not to argue with, but focus his energy on what is best for our community.

    November 25, 2019 at 2:10 PM

    "Mike Lewis is a good guy."

    Mike Lewis is a good guy?? WTF are you smoking?? A good guy wouldn't publically endorse the Democrat Socialist retard Jake Day! GTFOH!!

  25. Anonymous said...
    Funny how Briggs is in charge. Wasn’t he disciplined and transferred from Bennett to Mardela because he was caught having an extramarital affair with another BOE member ON SCHOOL PROPERTY? That’s a FACT. Look it up. Basically, the fox is guarding the hen house.

    November 25, 2019 at 5:15 PM

    How do you "look it up?"

    I think there are 2 Briggs' in the school system. The Dr. Briggs who is now an asst. Superintendent was the principal at Bennett High School where the thugs ruled the roost and he was allowing teachers to be assaulted. Then he gets a promotion to Central Office. Screwed up, isn't it.

    1. Yes. When he was at Bennett, he was caught having an extramarital affair with a BOE member ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. Caught having sex ON SCHOOL PROPERTY yet he is only disciplinary transferred to Mardela and then PROMOTED to Asst. Superintendent. Rick Briggs. Not his brother. Who cares if he is a “doctor”. How can you be an Asst. Superintendent when you are caught having sex ON SCHOOL PROPERTY?

    2. Bennett middle school, had an affair with Guidence Counselor.

  26. Anonymous said...
    so much outrage, for now. 2-3 weeks, if that, it will be forgotten. You can vent all you like on here but until YOU actually follow thru and demand action nothing will be done, per usual.

    Prove me wrong. Someone, anyone, hold them accountable.

    November 25, 2019 at 7:09 PM

    Exactly! I posted the same sentiments earlier.

  27. Anonymous said...
    All 3 employees knew about the affair between student and teacher and none reported it. Now they have been paid for a free extended leave while "the investigation " continues. Substitutes are being paid on top of that to take their place. Your tax $$$ at work people!

    November 26, 2019 at 7:36 AM

    Was anyone arrested? Did this even make the news? I didn't see it on the news so I'm wondering if the local so-called news outlets are protecting Dr. Hanlin? I know for a fact John Cannon protects her.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Please identify these other 3 teachers so they can be charged and pressure put on the school

    December 1, 2019 at 9:55 AM

    Agreed. WTF is the secret? These people drop these stupid hints as if they are afraid to get caught for telling names. Umm.... Your post is ANONYMOUS!!

  29. Anonymous said...
    Isn't she the one who reported it?

    November 26, 2019 at 7:37 AM

    Who is "she?" Name names!

  30. Anonymous said...
    Is he a bully ??

    December 1, 2019 at 10:49 PM

    Is who a bully?

  31. Anonymous said...
    She's got her own skeletons,several of them!

    November 26, 2019 at 1:24 PM

    Who?? What are you talking about?? What skeletons? Quit being a damn coward.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Must be nice to be able to have sex on school property and still get promoted to assistant superintendent. Ridiculous.

    December 2, 2019 at 9:18 AM

    Who would want to have sex with that tall, ugly, uncoordinated clown?

  33. Anonymous said...
    Mike Lewis is a criminal himself. Look into the cover up he created for his good buddy when his buddies wife died under extremely curious circumstances. COVER UP. Small town police COVER UP. Funny thing is, all parties think it is long forgotten about but these things have a way of being unearthed. And Mike Lewis is a LIAR. Do some research into a case that went to the MD Court of Appeals a couple years back...Court of Appeals threw out a conviction that Lewis and the SA and local CC Judge were in cahoots on....DUMBA$$ Lewis proposed to be able to SMELL cocaine concealed within a vehicle. Not with a deputy canine, but of his old good ole nose. IMPOSSIBLE. Court of Appeals overturned the conviction and in its written findings indicated he was a LIAR. Read it folks! Anyone who believes themselves to be of such caliber that they thumb their noses at procedural law is a danger to every citizen given varying circumstances. It's a mindset. And he has it..watch his actions, his affect, and listen to his words. Scary.

    December 2, 2019 at 12:12 AM

    You didn't name one name or one case or one States Attorney or one Judge so how can we look it up. If you know something then tell it here and name names. This may come as a surprise to you but you are anonymous.


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