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Monday, January 13, 2020

A Viewer Writes.....

I Would like to know if anyone is arranging maybe a bus over to VIRGINIA on Jan 20th to support our brothers and sisters in Supporting our 2nd AMENDMENT BEING DESTROYED BY TRAITOR DEMOCRATS ?


  1. And at the end of today, pretty much every VA resident will be a felon!!!! Once the govt passes all of those pre-filed anti-gun bills...

  2. We need to be there NOW, they have started their BS today! Disarm, and control the people that is their cry! This is what the Nazi's did. Commies, and dictators do this also. Gov. "Coonman" the lying POS wants to be your Master!

  3. You have your testimony ready for the three anti-gun bills being read Wednesday? I bet youve not even read them. How about the new testimonies rules that make i extremely difficult to be approved to speak to your legislators, they'll soon force you to buy a permit and get background checks just to testify. Wake up for your children's sake. First you must remove the log from your own eye before you can help your neighbor with their splinter.

    SB35, 38 and 39

  4. I hope there is a company doing a bus trip I would pay to go.

  5. I can't Wait to meet the traitor dens at the civil war.

  6. Disclaimer: I didn't vote for Obama either time he ran, but...

    I remember how many people swore up and down that he was "going to take our guns" --- and at the end of the day more people bought guns during his 8 years in office than ever before. The NRA should give him a plaque --- two plaques! --- for sales men of the decade for the 2000s and 2010s. LOL

    And now everyone expects us to believe guns will be taken away in the imminent future. By whom, I ask??? By President Trump?

    Some of y'all need to stop sniffing glue and listening to so much talk radio and calm down.

    1. Agreed. To many people listen to b.s on tv. And believe it to be the truth.

  7. anti gun bills in MD Wednesday are you ready? its our turn...
    SB35, 38 and 39

  8. Yeah, he said said that, he also said "we will not comply" last year during the House Gun Bill Days.

    Unfortunately, the good Sheriff doesn't walk the walk, since Wicomico County has issued 18 ERPOs through November of 2019 and issued 9 in the three months ERPOs were on the books in 2018.

    ERPO's are red flag confiscations .

  9. 222pm, pull your head out of your a$$ and read the proposed bills, read and watch how these communist legislators cheat and trick the citizens on rule changes at the last minute. ell, no need trying to explain to you if you cant already see what their doing...go stick your back in where the sun dont shine!

  10. I will not hesitate to pull the trigger with an anti-American Communist in the sights.
    If Democrats want war to take away our defenses because THEIR registered members keep shooting and killing people, we will annihilate them.
    Make America Right Again.

  11. Isn't Jan. 20 MLK jr. holiday? How can the state legislature be open?

    1. Let's act together folksJanuary 14, 2020 at 8:12 PM

      If at anytime in History that all races should come together to fight Progressive Communism

      The time is now

      pass the ammo...wait to see the whites of their eyes


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