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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Warren Denies Receiving 'Any Benefit' as a Result of Her Native-American Lie

On Friday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-1/1024th of a Plan) once again denied receiving "any job" or "any benefit" from her false claim to Native American status. In humiliating remarks during a New Hampshire town hall, Warren explained why she lied, admitted that she is not a "person of color," and again insisted she did not benefit from the lie.

"My three older brothers and I learned about our family the same way most people do, from our mom and from our dad. My family’s very important to me and that’s why — many years ago — I sometimes identified as Native American. Boston Globe did a big investigation about this, gosh, about a year and a half ago. Never had anything to do with any job I ever got or any benefit," Warren said.

"But even so, I shouldn’t have done it. I am not a person of color, I am not a citizen of a tribe and I have apologized for confusion I have caused on tribal citizenship, tribal sovereignty, and for any harm that I have caused," she concluded.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: From what I understand, She received favoritisms in both school admissions and subsequent employment as a professor. She is most likely being deceptive and untruthful.

  2. If she says the Boston Globe did a big investigation And she isn’t in a tribe again I’m going to puke. Sick person.

  3. Squaw is speaking with Forked Tongue, she got much Wampum from her telling of falsehoods. She is now known as Fake-a-wana-honnas.

  4. And her lies just continue to pile up.

  5. Fake news, yes, many have believed for so long. Why do they believe the “fictions?” You know this (so do I). When will they awaken? Our dearest leader President Donald “”J”” Trump! You can see Obama (you know who) shifting now,,, the annunaki come from the constellation draco. All the fake news is easily seen as from this source. Some postulate that Hillary was one as well,, we have seen the video tapes and cannot be deceived! Flu no! Some thinkers, obviously, have declared that she may have been a clone. We know the truth, no chem trailers can fool me!!!

  6. So why was she the chair of "Native Studies" at the university she scammed?

  7. So she wants to be a Native.

    So how about living with them and the horrendous poverty on the reservations.

    It's easier to dance and do cookbooks, I guess.

  8. She is a lying fraud.

  9. Blah, blah, blah...i'm sorry I got caught

  10. Total BS!!!!
    She got into college claiming American Indian ancestry!
    She got federal grants and college tuition assistance and
    a place in Harvard because of this.

    Who do you think she is trying to fool?
    It's public record.

    She needs to be called out on this!

    But of course there is a double standard in the Democratic party.

    All is forgiven if you just say you are sorry!

  11. And she still thinks she has a shot.

    Trump will destroy her. Actually he's going to destroy whomever they put on the ticket.

    All of them are secretly praying they WON"T be the nominee.

    Its going to be ugly and, at the same time, so deeply satisfying.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Northwest Woodsman: From what I understand, She received favoritisms in both school admissions and subsequent employment as a professor. She is most likely being deceptive and untruthful.

    December 9, 2019 at 10:36 PM

    You are correct. She got into law school because she claimed to be a native American Indian.

  13. Anonymous said...
    If she says the Boston Globe did a big investigation And she isn’t in a tribe again I’m going to puke. Sick person.

    December 9, 2019 at 10:47 PM

    What?? Please elaborate.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Fake news, yes, many have believed for so long. Why do they believe the “fictions?” You know this (so do I). When will they awaken? Our dearest leader President Donald “”J”” Trump! You can see Obama (you know who) shifting now,,, the annunaki come from the constellation draco. All the fake news is easily seen as from this source. Some postulate that Hillary was one as well,, we have seen the video tapes and cannot be deceived! Flu no! Some thinkers, obviously, have declared that she may have been a clone. We know the truth, no chem trailers can fool me!!!

    December 10, 2019 at 6:41 AM

    WTF have you been smoking??

  15. lmclain said...
    And she still thinks she has a shot.

    Trump will destroy her. Actually he's going to destroy whomever they put on the ticket.

    All of them are secretly praying they WON"T be the nominee.

    Its going to be ugly and, at the same time, so deeply satisfying.

    December 10, 2019 at 3:46 PM

    The only way Trump will lose this election is if they do a better job of stealing this election than they did for Hillary. It is very possible that they will. Look at Mitt Romney who was endorsed by all the Left Wing Media outlets in 2012 and was supposed to win that election. We are learning more and more every day that the Democrats rigged and stole that election. They probably rigged 2008 as well. We have evidence that the DNC rigged and stole the Democrat Primary from Bernie Sanders and nothing was done about that. It is real, Folks, it is real. Wake up!

  16. Getting into Yale by claiming to be a native American was a huge benefit, and took a spot from another, more qualified student. That was a criminal deception, worthy of punishment. And she just continues to lie to the American people.


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