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Sunday, December 08, 2019

St. Buttigieg Clings to Bible as He Looks for Votes in South Carolina

Mayor Pete Buttigieg continues emphasizing that he is a Bible-believing Christian, attempting to earn the support of Democrats in South Carolina.

The South Bend mayor released an ad in South Carolina on Monday, emphasizing his citation of Scripture during his November speech at the Iowa Democrats Liberty and Justice dinner.

“In our White House, you won’t have to shake your head and ask yourself, ‘Whatever happened to, ‘I was hungry and you fed me; I was a stranger and you welcomed me?’” Buttigieg says in the ad footage, citing Matthew 25:35.

Since he entered the race, Buttigieg has used social teachings in the Bible to shame Republicans and justify his positions on amnesty for illegal immigrants and abortion.

“Jesus speaks so often in hyperbole and parable, in mysterious code, that, in my experience, there’s simply no way that a literal understanding of Scripture can fit into the Bible that I find in my hands,” he said in a November interview with Rolling Stone.



  1. There is no hyperbole, parable, or mysterious code about the fact that killing babies is murder, and that homosexuality is an abomination to God.

    Will Mayor Buttigieg go to hell over what he is saying and doing? I don't know. That is between him and God.. God will judge him, not me.

    But God says to call sin what it is-- sin. Murdering babies and homosexuality are the kinds of things that will earn a person a one-way ticket to the Lake of Fire IF they don't repent and accept the sacrifice of God's Son that was made to pay that price.

    But repentance means change. So if he continues to promote abortion and practice homosexuality, he is on very thin ice.

    It is not our place to condemn, but we are told to warn those who are off the path. To call sin what it is.

    And that isn't 'shoving our religion down somebody's throat' (as will surely be suggested here)-- it is an act of love for our fellow man that we warn them. Warn them.

    1. Ditto 3:58. They continue to denty the truth and light of HIS word. Instead fall prey to the twisted lies and deception of these false teachers/religions and luciferian logic

    2. You will write another ten paragraph essay on the exact opposite.

  2. God wont like butt-y-gig doing ANYthing with the bible.

    im surprised it didnt burst into flames when his hand touched it


  3. He's pulling his version of theology out of his butt, too.

    That's in addition to his lack of accomplishment as mayor of a large slum.

  4. Look, read the Bible. You’re either gay or Christian, you can’t be both. Sinning and repenting means not repeating the process over and over daily. The Bible is very clear on the topic, there is no in between like new age “progressives” want you to believe.
    That is if you believe in imaginary omnipotent beings and godly entities.

  5. The people in the Palmetto state know what horse-sh*t smells like. He's not going to fool anyone.
    Isn't the LGBTQXYZ community going after Chick-fil-A for being a Christian company? Come on, man!

  6. Jesus's dad said you don't bugger each other in the butt!

    Sodom and Gomorrah ring a bell with this Homo?

  7. Damn, this guy's a lunatic too. They got anybody that's not a nut over there in the blue section?

  8. He needs to read it rather than cling to it.

  9. @ December 4, 2019 at 3:58 PM

    See... the problem is you say all you are doing is "warning" people. This is not true. You are using your religion as justification to pass legislation to stop abortion and to discriminate against gays.

    This isn't warning. If it were merely warning, no one would care, and you wouldn't be shoving it down everyone's throat. But that's not what's happening, is it? And you KNOW it isn't... and see... that's the double rub! Because you'll swear from you high and mighty self proclaimed moral high ground that you are in the right... all the while lying about it, and lying is a sin last I checked.

    So lets not pretend, shall we? We can disagree and I'm o.k. with disagreeing, but at least lets be honest about it.

  10. @ December 4, 2019 at 6:28 PM

    No True Scotsman rears it's ugly head again.

    You see, there are actual Christians who will disagree with you, and you will both use scripture and "revelation" to justify your point.

    From the outside looking in, I can't discern which of you is right... I mean.. there are over 30 thousand denominations of Christian... clearly you can't agree on what you claim should be obvious.

    I think the facts speak for themselves.

  11. Bwahahahahaha! Fake Christian!! If he was a Christian he wouldn’t be having gay sex.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: I wonder how soon Buttcheeks will start using a phony southern accent in his pandering attempts?

  13. Come on now, gays have the same right to blatantly pander as others.

  14. @814 Yes when your secular law starts to inflict immoral values upon us and affects our lives you damn right we are. Deal with it. Your side has no limit as to what can become legal. There are those from your side who advocate for pedophilia to be legal and the same "You're using your religion to discriminate against us" argument can be made. Guess what? We're approaching the time where you're going to be discriminated against because we recognize evil for what it is. The wall is being built, immigration is coming to an end beyond small easily assimilating numbers, the Supreme Court is now rightwing, the judiciary has increased in leaps and bounds right leaning, it's about to be a landslide election for the right after this impeachments nonsense, the president will be re-elected, and the people in general have had their fill on PC nonsense, SJW nonsense, cries of racism, cries of antisemitism, cries of any ism in general.

  15. @ December 7, 2019 at 12:44 PM

    So, it's not about "warning" people is it? It's about enforcing what your religion says through legislation. Kudos to you, at least you're being honest.

    How do even know what my side is? You made wild an inaccurate assumptions, and it's clear by the caricature you portrayed me as that you watch way to much far right wing news media entertainment. This isn't Us vs Them where everyone is only This or only That. How about this for a mind blower... I'm conservative registered republican and voted for Trump.

    Accusing me that I have no limit to what can be legal is patently false. Pedophilia will never be legal and should never be legal because children don't have the capacity to consent.

    It's also weird that you would bring up immigration and a border wall in this conversation, it's way off topic and makes no sense to even mention here. (For the record I SUPPORT building a border wall, and also stopping illegal immigration.)

    It sounds like to me... from what you wrote, is that you don't want our Secular Republic that is America... that protects religious freedom and liberty for all. It sounds like you prefer to have a religious theocracy. The Supreme Court and Judges are supposed to be neutral, and rule on the law. To celebrate the judges being "right wing" seems absurd to me.

    I can't understand why ya'll are so agro. No one is forcing you to get abortions. No one is forcing you to be in gay relationships or get gay married. How are any of these things affecting your life?

  16. No, I don't want a secular republic of freaks that have no ability to see evil for what it is and believe that peoples right to feel good means that any sick lifestyle is to be accepted and condoned. I do want a theocracy imposed on you. I want that for you like you want a Godless state for me and if you have no sympathy for my side I have no sympathy for yours. The difference between us is my side won't have transgender females cracking the skulls of real women in sports nor using the restroom for genitalia they do not possess. There won't ever be legal pedophilia and if I were actually el jefe each and every member of Nambla would be round up and summarily thrown from the highest building or cliff I could find. As to what will or won't be legal, please, you already have a push to remove parents rights from stopping their child having sex changes and their already is a legal push to make pedophilia declared a mental condition and deserving of the same rights and gays, essentially making it legal. I unconditionally and unapologetically stand against evil. I don't care how it's wrapped in liberty and the Constitution.

  17. @ December 9, 2019 at 1:33 PM

    Then you can stop calling yourself a patriot, and stop calling yourself American. Our Secular Republic that defends religious liberty for all is what protects your right to be wrong.

    Secular simply means without religion, it's not ANTI anything. In fact, only a secular government can protect religious freedom.

    You want theocracy imposed on the rest of us? This doesn't sound like American Patriotism to me... this sounds like the same kind of speech used by the people who flew planes into buildings and attacked America.

    In fact, I WANT you to have your religious liberty. How is that having anything imposed on you?

    Did you not see the point as to why pedophilia will never be nor should never be legal? A child can not consent. This strange strawman you are building is completely absurd.

    Transgenders in sports have NOTHING to do with religious liberty. BTW, I also think biological differences in sports need to be recognized. Men, should not be competing in womens sports.... but I ALSO respect organizations being able to make their own rules.

    Parents should NEVER loose the right to make the calls when it comes to the health of their children, up to and only when it will cause harm to the child. NO. Children should not be having sex changes.

    I think you are very confused as to what qualifies as "evil".

  18. @248 I'll call myself whatever I want to and don't give a single F about how you feel about it. Take all of your homosexual and pedophilic enabling propaganda, all draped in liberty and the Constitution, and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

    You can also take your whole official government 9/11 story and stick that in the same orifice. Aluminum and plastic mixed with jet fuel doesn't bring down steel reinforced concrete buildings in an hour. Actually it wouldn't occur even after 24. It wouldn't occur ever. A building wired to blow by the Israeli's ahead of time will though. Additionally, two planes definitely won't knock down three towers and the fact people of your intellect level who believe that nonsense have a right to vote is precisely why I am adamant in my beliefs.

  19. @ December 9, 2019 at 10:34 PM

    You, my friend, are one tin foil hat wearing hot mess. PLEASE, take some time off of the news entertainment media machine...it is absolutely poisoning you.

    Based on your posts I'll call you what you are. An Anti American Anti Patriotic Religious Extremist. YOU said you want to force your religion on everyone. YOU said I could take the Constitution (the supreme law of our land) and stick it where the sun didn't shine. YOU said you didn't care about liberty.

    I have, in two replies to you explained why pedophilia should not and will not ever be legal, yet by some insane display of incredible cognitive dissonance, you still want to lump it together with homosexuality so it suits your religious extremest agenda. NEWSFLASH, one of the largest perpetrators of child rape and pedophilia is the Catholic Church, with Protestant Churches one step behind... funny I don't see you lumping it in with that bunch.

    I know many good American Patriot Christians, while you do not fall in that category, I wouldn't paint them pedophiles because some a-holes that don't represent who they are did horrible things.


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