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Sunday, December 08, 2019

Baltimore County Teacher Quits, Says School is 'Chaos'

Stephanie Robusto came forward to Project Baltimore after receiving a letter from a nine-year-old student at Pleasant Plains Elementary in Towson. The letter read:

“Dear. Ms. Robusto, I’m so, so upset that every single day you have to deal with this. Every day I think ‘I know today Ms. Robusto will be mistreated again.’ I bearly (sic) see smiles in this room. It’s just problems. Whenever this happens my lid pops out. I feel like an animal in a cage filled with disrespect. I just want you to be happy with what you are doing.”

For 10 years, Stephanie Robusto dedicated herself to teaching, but she walked away from her job a few weeks ago.

“I don’t want to go back,” she told Project Baltimore. “It’s like losing a part of yourself. But at the same time, it’s a huge weight lifted.”



  1. must...maintain...status...quo...need...more...administrative staff...new...building too...

  2. Liberal agendas destroying schools and our society for a plan NWO - No kid left behind was part of this. All teachers are on board - they were when the colleges indoctrinated them.

  3. We ALL know who are the ones causing the disruptions and decisiveness... don't give up or give in. There is a solution...

  4. Sounds a bit like Wicomico County, no wait, sounds exactly like Wicomico County.

  5. Sadly, the solution(s) aren't in the Dem playbook.

  6. Yeah, the solution is build more jails.


  7. Come on out to rural Indiana. We don't have those problems here. Our 'gangs' are 4H and FFA.

  8. He was obviously chosen based on his life experiences as one who could relate best to the criminal element employed by the "Progressive Left" and the idiots who run the BOE and educate your youth.

  9. Do you want to TAKE BACK OUR SCHOOLS FROM THESE COMMUNIST IDEALS..then GET SCHOOL VOUCHERS on the MD BALLOT .STATEWIDE SCHOOL VOUCHERS WILL FIX IT. UNLESS OF COURSE YOU SUPPORT traditional marriage. So you see where this is already going. Luciferians should not allowed any input to education

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Yes 9:48 we all know where this constant disruption comes from and there is an answer. The least disruptive answer would be complete segregation where blacks can enjoy their version of society, culture and civilization. It appears to me that they, themselves would prefer that sort of a solution as it would allow them to avoid rules, discipline, and claims of disparate treatment regarding suspensions and any other punishment for bad behavior. They could just enjoy being themselves and feel free to engage in activities not related to learning. A perfect day care facility with no education components to deal with. The only other option would be that which President Lincoln favored before his death.

  11. Its an easy solution but no one os willing to really invest the resources and give it time. These kids are realing with serious home issues and no matter the teacher, without solvimg this, the school will fail.

    #1 increase teacher pay in these schools

    #2 stop spendimg money on garbage gadgets that do little to improve learning. These kids do not need ipads etc to learn

    #3 invest in real counselling professionals. Let them investigate the home and if the parents or care takers cant provide an appropriate environmemt to learn, these problem kids should be yanked from these schools immediately and sent to special boarding schools or embedded in higher performing, lower violence districts. I would have these kids in special run schools with intense counseling and programming that is provem to rehabilitate. You have to get these kids out of the environment that is breeding the misbehavior. And you have to split them up; dont just concentrate the bad kids in one place. Make these schools and their curriculilumm advanced enough that parentsnof high performing studemts may also CHOOSE to be a part of these programs. These should be schools that leverage private sector innovation.

    #4 increase community college and private sector engagement to provide vocational training to all students

    1. None of that will work when trying to teach the unwilling

  12. 11:12 Incorrect narrative. These are Communist ideals for American schools. None of this crap washes in Communist schools. They will not tolerate such disrespect. Your family will lose favor with the Party, suddenly your best comrades want nothing to do with you. Your boss begins to pressure you and your wife is fired and told to regain order in her home. The Government downgrades your apartment status from clean and comfortable to mold, broken toilets and cock roaches. That is how Communists deal with behavior problems.

  13. Find a job in a good private school.

  14. Maybe start your own private school with about a dozen students.

  15. Wicomico county schools are a hell hole. If you want to fix it start at the top. Dr Disappointment doesn't have a clue how bad the schools are. Hide in a office surrounded by ass kissers and deny everything.

  16. Dec 3,2019 you are so out of touch.When is the last time you have been in a school?


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