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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Maryland uses surveillance, data to track motorists, traffic

Motorists in Maryland may be aware of the cameras that enforce speed and red-light violations, but the state’s tracking practices include other layers to assist in law enforcement efforts, and for traffic and planning purposes.

Through the different practices, Maryland collects both anonymous and identifiable information — depending on the method — about driving patterns, raising concerns for privacy advocates.

“I don’t think it’s really an issue of whether you have privacy in a particular moment in time,” said Dave Maass, senior investigative researcher at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit that defends civil liberties in the digital age. “But rather whether the government — and companies — should be tracking you over time and space, and then storing and selling that information.”



  1. Any thoughts Box Iron? Box Iron has been driving the roads for decades. Never got a ticket once. Never seen redlights, cops or cameras either.

    Wish i was as oblivious as box iron.

  2. you carry a cell phone you're tracked. got it?

  3. Drones are next Radar drones to mail you a ticket !! FACT

  4. Obama authorized it !! NSA baby ( right on the news !!!)


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