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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

AOC is suddenly very attuned to anti-Semitism

Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has repeatedly defended anti-Semite Ilhan Omar. She defended the Minnesota congresswoman when she accused American Jews of having dual loyalties, and she defended Omar again when she claimed that wealthy Jews control Republicans in Congress.

So, it's a bit rich that Ocasio-Cortez is now alleging anti-Semitism following President Trump’s address this weekend at the Israeli American Council National Summit. Trump began that event by noting his personal acquaintance with some of the summit's attendees. He also boasted about his decision to make good on the U.S. government’s longstanding commitment to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

“So, we’re going to spend $2 billion, and one of them was going to buy a lousy location,” the president said.



  1. I PROUDLY sport myAOC decal on my trash can.

    Nuff said.

  2. 5:41 mines in the bottom of my toilet.


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