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Friday, December 20, 2019

'I Did Not Say No Political Bias in FBI Investigation'

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz testified Wednesday that he never concluded there was no political bias in the FBI’s abusive investigation of officials connected to Donald Trump’s campaign.

Horowitz appeared before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to discuss his recent report (the “IG report”) on Operation “Crossfire Hurricane,” in which he found that the FBI had misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in seeking warrants for the surveillance of Trump aide Carter Page. The FBI had also relied on the so-called “Steele dossier” for those warrants, even after knowing it was entirely false.

However, Horowitz also concluded that there was no “documentary or testimonial evidence” that the decision to launch the investigation was motivated by political bias. Democrats have seized on that point — even though Horowitz told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he could not rule out bias during later stages of the investigation. He reported, for example, that one FBI lawyer had altered an email from another agency (presumably the CIA) to hide the fact that Page was working for the government,

On Wednesday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) asked Horowitz to clarify the point:

Read more here


  1. Crossing guards have more respect in our communities than the Obama deep state FBI agents. Smack one down if you have the chance. Take them out to the ball game. That will make one less American enemy on Taxpayer payroll.

  2. The non-sense our Government officials are creating. The biggest offender is Pelosi, (Queen Nancy in be her thrown in Congress.) Schumer you can't look you in the eye when lying - same with Shifty Schiff. Never trust a person who does not look at you when they are speaking. It has been proven - no eye contact - no truth.

  3. Corruption will be exposed with the Durham report. Frankly I think I see beads of sweat appearing on Brennan's forehead when he is interviewed. He is on tape and can't lie his way out of this one. And sleaze ball that he is he will roll over on the others.


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