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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Harris Statement on New Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) today voted in favor of President Trump’s new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.

Rep. Harris made the following statement:

“I congratulate President Trump for delivering on a key campaign promise to help American workers by re-negotiating bad trade deals from the past. This new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada was badly needed because NAFTA was outdated and resulted in millions of American jobs leaving the country, especially to Mexico. This new agreement is especially great for our farmers and poultry growers in the First Congressional District.”


  1. I really wish you guys would research rather than fall for the bogus bull politicians feed you. Even the politicians haven't studied up on this stuff, just spin. Example:

    - the main Ag provisions relate to dairy, not poultry. The result was a 0.35% increase in the volume of duty free milk that can go to Canada. Big whoop. Even that was already a provision that would have been passed with TPP, so it wasn't even something that Trump brokered

    - You have provisions that raise labor standards (pay) in Mexico which makes it more compelling to keep jobs in the US. These provisions were inserted and fought for by Dems. Again, not even something brokered by the GOP or Trump

    -The other big provisions were for Intellectual Property (music, biotech). Not much of that coming out of the Eastern Shore.

    Overall, this was a big nothing burger but made for good political tv.

  2. How dare Pelosi try to take credit for this. She is a used up old woman trying to win the hearts of Americans, she is an abject failure.


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