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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

House Sets Wednesday Vote for Farm Worker Amnesty, Creation of Powerless Workforce

The House will vote Wednesday to approve or reject a bill that offers fraud-prone amnesty for illegal migrants who claim to have worked on a farm.

The legislation also allows companies to import an unlimited number of replaceable H-2A visa workers to replace the illegals — and to replace any Americans who ask for decent wages or investment in machinery. The H-2A migrants could bring their families, and also apply for green cards.

Pro-migration Democrats and their constituency groups back the bill. Immigration reform groups oppose the bill, but it is being rushed through the House amid the uproar over impeachment.



  1. Does this mean illegal aliens will get to stay in this country?

  2. 12:23, We had an ineligible occupant,which makes him illegal,in the WH for eight years. Does this answer your question?

  3. Democrats trying to increase their vote base by allowing them to vote which means allowing other nationalities / Countries to influence our elections.


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