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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Bloomberg News Is Breaking the Law by Only Investigating Trump, FEC Complaint Says

Bloomberg News announced that it would continue its tradition of not investigating its owner, Michael Bloomberg, even as he entered the 2020 presidential race. The outlet also claimed it would refrain from investigating the other Democratic candidates. Yet the outlet also announced it would investigate President Donald Trump, Bloomberg's potential competitor. According to a new Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint from the Media Research Center (MRC), this likely violates the law.

"Bloomberg News is making a mockery of legitimate journalism. They have consciously chosen to abandon their journalistic responsibilities in favor of what is politically convenient," MRC President Brent Bozell said in a statement. "This is a public declaration that Bloomberg’s newsroom is adopting media bias as an official policy,"

"This is not only categorically unethical, but potentially illegal, which is why we are calling for an investigation," Bozell added.



  1. I thought Trump said Bloomberg media wasn't allowed on his airplanes ???? They where on Airforce 1 last night.

  2. All Biased News should be against the Law !!!


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