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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Adam Schiff: Congress Must Impeach Trump to Stop Him in 2020

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Tuesday indicated that Democrats must impeach President Trump quickly in order to stop him from prevailing in the 2020 presidential election.

Democrats on Tuesday unveiled two articles of impeachment against the president: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Notably, neither allege a high crime or misdemeanor. Noticeably absent was the Democrats’ long-held appeal to bribery, extortion, or treason.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), flanked by chairs Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Adam Schiff (D-CA), Eliot Engel (D-NY), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), and Richard Neal (D-MA), stepped aside as both Nadler and Schiff briefly offered minimal details on their decision. Democrats did not indicate when the text would be released and refused to take questions following the momentous announcement.

Schiff briefly addressed critics who say that Democrats should simply wait for the American people to judge the president in the 2020 election.

Democrats, Schiff suggested, cannot allow that, because it would essentially allow Trump to “cheat” in one more election.

More here


  1. "Schiff briefly addressed critics who say that Democrats should simply wait for the American people to judge the president in the 2020 election."

    Because he knows the outcome will be even more devastating for Dems, exposing their slipshod ways and actual crimes.

  2. Yeah, Hillary needs another chance to cheat her way to the top.

  3. What a bunch of self-important clowns!

  4. Yes, Impeach Trump so they can undermine democracy and stop the peasants from voting, that way they can secure their financial futures by trading our tax money in "aid". Wow, I wonder if he actually hears what he is saying. If that is not treason than what is? This is a not democracy it is a coup d'etat to overthrow our entire election process and an affront to democracy.

    If the people are compelled to vote for him again then why else would they want to stop them?

  5. So now they want it all to sound political....because somehow that makes being treasonous acceptable? They know full well subverting the laws and people of this country is treasonous. Only executions will slow it from happening again.

  6. Democrats lied their way into congress or has no democrat voter noticed.

  7. If Trump is this emboldened now , what do you think he will be like if nothing is done? You supporters seem to forget , Trump is not a King or a Dictator, or hes not supposed to be

    1. Trump does not dictate nor does he consider himself a King. He is a businessman and knows how to run a business. He does it well. Government has been a beaucary getting nothing done.

    2. finally a President getting something done and the Democrats are pissed cause they couldnt flounder any more money and raking the public over the coals. SCREW the DEMOCRATS they are worthless POS

  8. Investigating corruption is 'election interference,' but trying to impeach a duly-elected president to keep him from being re-elected in 2020 is NOT??

  9. Trump should make a election commercial showing the democrats standing together and say, "These are the Democrats who are ruining our country. I ask all Democrats and Independents who are tired of this type of leadership to make a difference, vote Republican and get these people out of office.

  10. 9:51
    Schiff is not a King or a Dictator, or hes not supposed to be

  11. We're all still waiting for some Dem supporter here to explain what Trump's crimes are.

  12. The REAL two articles of impeachment to the DemocRATS are:

    1) We didn't win in 2016.

    2) We can't win in 2020.

  13. Re: 10:35 AM - The crimes ere that Trump won in 2016. The next crimes will be in 2012 when he wins again.

    You see, the Democrats realize all they have to challenge Trump in 2012 are a bunch of socialist loonies so he must be eliminated at all costs.

  14. 9:51 you are right, he is not a king or dictator, he is a President elected by WE THE PEOPLE. Maybe you don't know the difference but we do. We also know that your loonie left friends are the ones undermining democracy. I am glad he is "emboldened" enough to find out who is stealing our tax money!

    President Trump is the real whistle-blower you fool!

  15. Well there you go. Schiff is saying his impeachment is PURELY political. It's about the next election, and has nothing to do with "high crimes and misdemeanors." The bug-eyed liar keeps exposing his true motives. He really thinks his dem voters are stupid, just like most other elected dems. On that, I agree with him.

  16. The democrats KNOW they don't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the 2020 election.
    THIS is their only shot.

    Which means 5 more years of made-up "crimes" that need a thorough investigation.

    Start the hanging.

    Keep cheering.

  17. Just like the hokey pokey, that's what it's all about.


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