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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Worcester County Officials Outline Education Funding Concerns

SNOW HILL – In a show of solidarity, Worcester County’s elected officials and school system leaders joined together to express their education funding concerns to the Kirwan Commission.

More than a dozen Worcester County representatives, including county staff, commissioners and Worcester County Public Schools officials, traveled to testify in front of the Kirwan Commission. The commission solicited public input Tuesday as it prepares to make final recommendations regarding Maryland’s education system.

“I really think it was about unity,” Commissioner Chip Bertino said. “Coming together as a community to speak with one voice, that was extraordinary.”

Bertino, surrounded by the delegation of local representatives, spoke on behalf of the group Tuesday in front of the commission. He discussed the disparity of the state’s current education funding formula, which has local taxpayers funding 75% of the school system’s budget—more than any other public school jurisdiction in the state. He told commission members that because they’d worked the current formula into their recommendations, there would be no relief for Worcester County.



  1. Coming together is a community?? Is that what it was?? It looked like the POLITICIANS and corrupt school board hosing taxpayers. AGAIN. Throwing more money at the same problem with the same result. Another program run by the same teacher's and POLITICIANS the last 25 failed programs were run. But I bet they ALL get a bigger paycheck!!

  2. HOGAN needs to take lessons from Worcester and not his great friend that wants to raise taxes 40% or more.


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