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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Billionaire hits Warren: ‘I gave away more in the year than she has in her whole f---ing lifetime’

Billionaire Leon Cooperman bashed Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren after she featured him in a campaign advertisement about her wealth tax.

Warren, 70, released an advertisement touting her “Ultra-Millionaire Tax” and the outrage it sparked with several billionaires who see it as detrimental to the American economy. The video shows a clip of Cooperman, 76, decrying her proposal as “bull” and flashed a sign over his face that read, “Charged with insider trading.”

Cooperman, an investor and CEO of Omega Advisors, was outraged with Warren’s advertisement. He addressed the situation in an interview with CNBC and noted that he had settled the insider trading case.

“In my opinion, she represents the worst in politicians as she’s trying to demonize wealthy people because there are more poor people than wealthy people,” he said, adding, “As far as the accusations of insider trading, I won the case.”



  1. Warren is a liar and a cheat. She'll never win. Hopefully she'll be finished with politics after the 2020 election. Then she can go back to the res (oh wait she's not an Indian any more!) and dry up and blow away.

  2. 4:51-I sure hope you are right.

  3. Why does she start at 4 million instead of 2 million? Because she earns / wealth is over 3 million and under 4 million like all the Politians. Her and the Politians want to share the wealth then they should give others like me that earn under $25000 gives us $25000 a year from her wealth.

  4. She is counting on Wall Street money to win but stupid enough to continue to demonize them.


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