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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Walsh: The Left’s ‘Toxic Masculinity,’ ‘MeToo’ Agenda Is Crushing Boys

At a Young America’s Foundation-sponsored event on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Tuesday evening, Daily Wire podcast host and columnist Matt Walsh addressed the growing war on masculinity, particularly as conducted through rhetoric about “toxic masculinity” and the excesses of the “MeToo” movement. We are “ruining ours sons,” he said, by giving into the “worst kind of selfishness” and “narrow-mindedness” in our approach to boyhood and masculinity.

Among the ways that our increasingly “progressive” society is crushing boys, he explained in the speech, are the education system, which is effectively punishing standard male behavior, and the general denigration of masculinity, particularly in the form of the “toxic masculinity” rhetoric espoused by left-wing thought leaders. Along with the proliferation of pornography and the promotion of gender confusion, specifically directed at boys, Walsh maintained, we are seeing an unprecedented war on boyhood that is destined to result in disaster.

“Obviously, we need to teach our boys to be obedient and respectful, and they really do need to calm down sometimes and be quiet,” he said (video below). “But boys also need to be boys.”

“I’m afraid they’re not always given that opportunity these days because they’re always being told, no, stop, calm down, be quiet, sit still,” Walsh continued. “Maybe in school we carve out 45 minutes for them to let out their energy — and I’m told now that even that, gym class, they’re getting rid of.”



  1. Let them fail. Girls these days are smarter more athletic and more competitive and wind up with better jobs than the boys and have better sense than getting involved with and knocked up by losers.

  2. Sissies are much less likely to revolt

  3. Get your kids into Christian school or homeschool them.

  4. Boys will be boys. What the hell is that supposed to mean. I have mjy doubts about the "me too" movement but I can not tolerate Boys will be Boys justifying bad behavior. I grew up in a family with 3 brothers and they never disrespected women.

  5. Boys will be boys. In my house that meant boys will be smart and get top grades, boys will be active and participate in sports, outdoor activities, scouting, biking, skiing, school government, anything. Boys will volunteer and help others when they need it. Boys will have responsibilities at home, but not so much that they interfere with priority one, homework and good grades and participating in activities that allow them to use their energy. Boys will be provided opportunities to follow their passions, whether their passion is sports as it was in my house or some other activities. Boys will be taught that as the physically stronger gender (in most cases) they have a duty and responsibility to treat everyone with courtesy and respect, even if they disagree with someone. Boys will be taught to defend the weak, bullied or mistreated and only when provoked use their strength over their intelligence to solve a problem. It worked in my house but I have too often seen ‘boys will be boys’ mentality in the schools and it’s usually to justify or excuse bad behavior. So if we want to preserve masculinity, as I believe we should, it’s not by letting boys behave rudely or inappropriately or letting them act out an over abundance of energy, it’s by giving them an education in being a man and holding them accountable for their actions. If they are taught well, they can be proud of their masculinity and the true meaning of ‘boys will be boys.’


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