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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Burisma Indictment Reveals Ex-President Yanukovich Illegally Obtained $7.4 Billion Laundered Thru Fund “Close to US Democratic Party”

The head of Burisma Holdings was indicted this week in Ukraine!

Ukrainian Prosecutor General indicted Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky.

The claim alleges that Hunter Biden and his partners received $16.5 million for their ‘services’

Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden took a lucrative post on the Burisma Board in 2014.
Hunter Biden was making millions from the corrupt Ukrainian oil and gas company.

New memos released earlier this month reveal Burisma Holdings, Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian natural gas company, pressured the Obama State Department to help end the corruption investigation during the 2016 election cycle just one month before then-Vice President Joe Biden forced Ukraine to fire Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor probing his son Hunter.

Joe Biden bragged about getting Viktor Shokin fired during a 2018 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Here’s more…

The Burisma indictment reveals that former Ukrainian President Yanukovich illegally obtained $17.4 billion and laundered it through an investment fund close to the US Democratic Party.



  1. If this is true, it means that the Bidens are guilty of what they are trying to impeach the President for!

  2. Hunter is a crook and his father an enabler.

  3. TRUMP were is the Arrests ?

  4. It's my money and I want it now.

  5. The whole dumbocrat party has been using the government and the taxpayers to enrich themselves just like the Sopranos.

    Corrupt! Corrupt! Corrupt! from top to bottom!

  6. It ALL went to Soros and Obama. Follow the money. The Biden Mafia laundered the money. Just think what we would find out if we had an honest government?? Look at what PRESIDENT TRUMP has revealed about our corrupt and ANTI-AMERICA government. During the cold war these POS would have been excuted already.

  7. Lock up the dirty Bidens !!!

  8. LOCK HIM UP lets get a congessional panel to dig into the hypocrisy of it all.


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