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Thursday, November 21, 2019

VA County Sends Signal: Won’t Enforce Democrat Governor’s Gun Control

While Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) is preparing a war on guns when the Democrat majority takes its seat in the legislature, Appomattox County is making clear it does not intend to play along.

On November 18, 13News reported that Appomattox County’s Board of Supervisors passed a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution, making clear the board will oppose efforts to “unconstitutionally restrict gun rights.”

The Washington Examiner published an excerpt of the resolution:


  1. Wow, at least someone in a state has some sense... Laws are no good if no one enforces them, let that be a lesson to you all, when you here a pussy corrupt cop saying, he is just doing his job or following orders... They have discretion to lock you up or not or to give you a ticket or not... They choose to go along to get along, to push tyranny... Ask did it work for the German soldiers who where shot, and hung during the Nuremberg trials? saying they were only following orders? NO, they are dead now, shot and hung... You are responsible for your own actions PERIOD!!! AND YOU WILL PAY THE PIPER ONE DAY!!!!

    Th only dumb ass reason for politicians and govts to take our guns is so they can abuse you, and nothing you can do... Look at china and hong kong... They want freedom, and slave owners want slaves, and only one can have it their way... Who is using guns and who isn't???? Who said they would use live rounds to kill protesters???? If they don't stop protesting about being salves??? Get the point yet????

  2. I hope he takes all guns while wearing his hood from college

  3. OATH KEEPERS for LIFENovember 21, 2019 at 2:18 PM


    Naysayers writing on this blog in favor of disarming us....

    better run to mommys basement....



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