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Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Medical Association calls for an immediate BAN on all electronic cigarettes and vaping devices amid spate of at least 42 deaths in the US

A leading US health body has called for an immediate nationwide ban on all vaping devices.

The American Medical Association (AMA) said the spate of deaths linked to e-cigarette use had 'shined a light' on how little experts know about them.

A ban would see all products pulled from shelves that are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help wean people off traditional cigarettes.

But that would include every vaping device currently on the market, because none have been reviewed or approved - despite being around for more than a decade.

The FDA has been widely criticized for repeatedly pushing back its deadline to begin reviewing them, at one point up until 2022. The deadline is now next May.



  1. 88k died from booze? Smh

  2. just a guess, but I think the tobacco lobby has something to do with this

  3. Must be hurting the tax intake from big tobacco


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