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Thursday, November 21, 2019

PHOTO: Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella shakes hands with Barack Obama in Oval Office

A year after Ukraine official and alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella left President Trump’s White House, a picture of him shaking Barack Obama’s hand was published on a close friend's wedding website.

The Oval Office photograph, obtained by the Washington Examiner, is circulating among Trump allies who consider it evidence that the alleged whistleblower is biased against Trump and had partisan motivations when he filed an Aug. 12 complaint that sparked impeachment proceedings.

In the photograph, a smiling Ciaramella, then Ukraine director on the National Security Council at the White House, is shown shaking Obama's hand. They are standing in front of a portrait of Abraham Lincoln by George Henry Story.



  1. If you don't know it yet. You can bet Obama has his prints all over this entire scam for the last 3 year's. He's up to his corrupt, racist neck. When the Republicans take back the entire government next year. Obama should be in jail. Along with all his minons.

  2. And the "witness" today, Dr. Hill, knew and worked with UK spy Michael Steele.

  3. 2:07 Just Nailed it ! !

  4. Your 100% correct there 2:07

  5. 2:07 Has is correct, and the dumbocrat appointed judges need to be purged too!

  6. If there even is a whistleblower at all , of course they would
    Be Democrat / Anti-Trump / Biased !!!


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