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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Intellectual conservatism group denied: may ‘cause stress to the student body’

Two female conservative students who recently tried to obtain official club status for an Intercollegiate Studies Institute chapter at Hobart and William Smith Colleges had their request denied, reportedly over concerns it may “cause stress to the student body.”

The nonprofit Intercollegiate Studies Institute explores intellectual conservatism, such as free markets and Constitutional liberty, and supports campus chapters across the nation. It prioritizes educating minds over campus activism to allow students to learn about principles they might not hear from their typical college professors.

ISI chapters host speakers, read and discuss books with varying conservative viewpoints, and coordinate meet-ups with like-minded students.

Hannah Sailer and Jenny Yuodsnukis, students at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, two private liberal arts colleges in New York that work together to educate students, said they wanted a fresh place to discuss conservative ideas and decided to form an ISI chapter earlier this fall semester.

More here


  1. Free speech not wanted.

    1. Especially at indoctrinated colleges, heaven forbid the conservative voice is heard.

  2. tin foil hat? or another hidden danger of the rainbow agenda battle front? Its anti GOD!! anti free will!!satanic BS

  3. Many years ago,about 65,I asked my father who graduated from UC Berkeley in 1921 why the university allowed all the protest and riots that happening on that campus,he said it was because they didn't want to discourage new ideas and different ways of thinking. Man times sure have changed.


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