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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pelosi Scraps Presumption Of Innocence: Trump Needs To Prove He Is Innocent

House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested to CBS News’ Margaret Brennan on Sunday that President Donald Trump needs to prove that he is innocent in the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. This is contradictory to the U.S. criminal justice system, which is based on the presumption of innocence.

Pelosi, who made the remarks on CBS News’ “Face The Nation,” made similar remarks last week while responding to a reporter’s question about the public believing that Democrats are “dead set” on impeaching Trump without looking at all the facts.

“It’s called an inquiry,” Pelosi said on Thursday. “And if the President has something that is exculpatory, Mr. President, that means you have anything that shows your innocence, then he should make that known and that’s part of the inquiry."

More here


  1. Typical of the struggling desperate Democrats, everything is bass akwards. Read a piece that Steve Bannon says Pelosi is a shrewd politician...is he about to be proved wrong?

    1. Yes, pelosi is a stupid politician

  2. Then how come the people that have chosen to present the evidence that proves his innocent are prohibited from doing so.


  3. Didn't they already prevent the President from defending himself as part of their "rules"?

  4. My dislike for the Democrats is very rapidly turning into HATRED.

  5. And this is the same woman that has allowed homelessness and crime to run abound in her district. Feces and urine run like rivers through the streets in San Francisco. Go home woman and fix your problems before you point your crooked witches finger at someone else... Disgusting...

  6. You can't prove a negative, Nancy.

  7. Let the folks who can prove Trumps innocence testify, allow the documents to flow to prove it. This begins with Mr. Trump and his withholding of witnesses and documents. Why is he hiding?

    1. 8:58- I see you're back with the CNN talking points. The whole inquiry is a sham! I wouldn't participate in their kangaroo court either. It would more legitimize the hearings, rather than being what it actually is. A farce. Does that answer your stupid question?

    2. no it starts with the Democrats who are withholding and not letting the other side see the evidence. Im sure if you were accused you would want your attorney (by law) see what they have

    3. In addition, Nancy has said Trump needs to prove his innocence. This is how backwards it is. The fact is, Nancy needs to prove his guilt. This is America. That's how it works here. Is this communist China, Danny? No, this isn't communist China.

    4. Salem Witch Hunt

  8. What Pelosi describes is the process England uses (Presumption of guilt / prove innocence ), and that will never be allowed to fly

  9. Here IS the way it is in America > One (anyone) IS
    innocent Until Proven Guilty , even Scum like her !!!

    & she (even she) & her fellow Scum can't change That !!!!

  10. The left progressives are clear in their message as it was pre revolutionary days..


    Bull crap.....and guess what progressives to include the Peace Alliance of the lower Shore....

    You don't want another Revolution.....trust us on that

  11. Pelosi makes impeachment even more of a "witch hunt" that it already is with those comments. Yes, that's what the puritans did to their "witch" victims. They would set them on fire, and if they didn't burn, they would be freed. Of course they burned, therefore they were guilty as charged. The so-called witches had to prove their innocence. I think Pelosi is the witch.

  12. POTUS has already PROVEN he is innocent ENOUGH times

  13. 4:20 ,...then one more time will not hurt. Come on , what is he hiding?

    1. 2 wrongs don't make a right 904, you're an idiot

  14. The police do it at the time

  15. Got news for Her > Not her call !!! Trump is Innocent !!!

  16. Democrats witnesses provided his innocence. Clearly Ukraine American bureaucrats believe the country is theirs to run. They absolutely hate Trumps agenda of NOT being the worlds police force. Pure egomaniacs and lack self awareness testimonies on feelings and presumption. The ambassador of the EU asked the Commander and Chief what he wanted from Ukraine he said NOTHING. OPEN AND SHUT.

  17. One doesn't need exculpatory evidence when no evidence of a crime or a charge of a crime exist.

  18. Trump 2020 Wins By LANDSLIDE !!!


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